Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Part 1 Speaking Topic 2

Part 1 Speaking Topic 2

    • What do you do?
    • What are your responsibilities?
    • How many hours do you work each day?
    • Do you enjoy your work?
    • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
    • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?
    • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.
    • Describe the company or organization you work for.
    • What is your position?
    • What do you like about your job?
    • What do you dislike about your job?
Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
  • What’s your job?
  • Why did you choose that kind of work?
  • How long have you been doing it?
  • What is a typical day like at your work?
  • Are there things you don't like about it? What are they?Make better sentences, get a better score!

Make better sentences, get a better score!

Question: How do you feel about your job?
Common Answer: I like my job very much.
Better Answer: Although you might not believe it, I really enjoy my job every day.

IELTS Work Vocabulary

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: What do you do?
Sasha: I do a job-share with a friend in a boutique … I enjoy it … I like working with customers … unfortunately it’s only temporary work but one of the perks of the job is I get a discount on the clothes …
Examiner: Do you have any career plans yet?
Carly: Yes … I’d like to be my own boss one day … I’m interested in programming and I’d like to create apps for myself or for other companies … I know being self employed would be a challenge but the idea of doing a nine-to-five job doesn’t appeal to me at all …
Examiner: What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time?
Marie: I’d hope to be working … not a high-powered job … but I’m quite a creative person so something where I can work with my hands would be nice … as long as I’m not stuck behind a desk doing something boring  in a dead-end job I’ll be happy …

Part 1 Speaking Topic 1

Part 1 questions:

Describe yourself.
    • Describe your family
    • Do you have a large or small family?
    • How much time do you spend with your family?
    • What do you like to do together as a family?
    • Do you get along well with your family?
    • Are people in your country generally close to their families?

IELTS Personality Vocabulary

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: How would you describe yourself?
Paula: Everyone tells me I take after my mum as I’m quite laid-back … I think I’m good company but you should ask my friends if they agree …
Examiner: In which ways are you similar to your friends?
Manuel: I seem to be attracted to introverts … not people who are painfully shy but most of my friends are a little reserved … and I think that’s what I’m like …
Examiner: Are you similar or different to your brother(s)/sister(s)?
Mira: I think my brother and I are very similar … I’d say we’re fun-loving and tend to be a bit extroverted … my brother is certainly the life and soul of the party … I’m not sure that applies to me …

IELTS Speaking Part 1


IELTS Speaking Part 1 This first section of the IELTS Speaking exam lasts about 4-5 minutes and gives the examiner the chance to find out a little about you through some simple ‘getting-to-know-you’ questions. These will be questions that you’ll have something to talk about such as your family, where you come from and what your interests are. This is also YOUR chance to get off to a good start!

Example Questions:
Q: Tell me a little about where you come from?
Q: Do you enjoy studying English?
Q: Why are you taking the IELTS exam?
Q: Have you got any interests or hobbies?

Part 1: Top Tips! 

Impress the examiner with your ability to give full answers to his or her questions.
a) Avoid short, ‘yes’, ‘no’ answers.
Q: Tell me a little about where you come from?
A: I’m from Coimbra. It’s a city in the central part of Portugal. It’s a very historical city and we have one of the oldest universities in Europe.

Use examples to back up statements.
Q: Do you enjoy studying English?
A: Oh yes! I went to England last year and loved being able to communicate with local people. And knowing a second language means you have access to a whole new culture … new authors, English films.
b) Give the examiner a picture of you.
Q: Why are you taking the IELTS exam?
A: I’m taking an IELTS course in India in order to go to university in the UK. I’ve been accepted on a Business course in London but need to get the right IELTS score so I’ve been doing lots of IELTS Speaking practice.
Q: Have you got any interests or hobbies?A: Not really. I like watching football and read books quite often, but I don’t have any hobbies really. Hopefully one day I’ll discover a hidden interest!