Sunday, March 30, 2008

English 3 Activity 7 The world of computers

Write about how compuers have changed our lives. Answer the following questions to help you write on the topic:
How computers make your life easier? more difficult?
How do computers affect the way you spend your free time?
How do computers influence the kinds of jobs people have?
What kinds of problems do computers cause?
And finally, could you give some instructions to someone on how to use your computer? use: make sure to..., be sure to..., try to...,try not to...,remeber to...,don´t forget to...

New interchange, Unit 7 practice:


Anonymous said...

hi teacher.
Technology has provided a lot, peero sometimes have served to make people have been useless. Because everything is conseguir easily.
There are already a lot easier to find information, are not used books, library visits shortly.
But also in turn have helped us superarnosa lake is contradictory, but it's real
jennifer monsalve 0514031

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion of computers
And in recent years the technology progresses, has made the use of computers grows, this tool is used constantly by making it easier for the person doing any kind of work. Like all things technology also has its drawbacks, since many people do not use computers to good use, but to destroy.
tatiana zarate 0514019

Unknown said...

My Opinion about the computers is that makes our life easier because we can do investigations of any type to find information of a fast form, but this invention occupies a big part of our free time because we pass most of the time in the msn , listening music, playing, watching pages, seeing photos, etc. and a little gross. reccomedations to use the computer: we have to see of which it have not virus, and don´t forget to give a suitsable use, remember to extinguish it of the correct form.
katherine campo fuentes
cod. 0711040

Anonymous said...

I think that computers have made easier the live to people because make easier the communication and the development of skills like writing and reading, computers make easier the transactions between people and banks and you can get information easier than looking it in a book.
Computers can give entertainment to people they can play chat and be mailed and communicate on line by the messenger, in internet you can get a lot of information in order to be informed about current issues.
Computers are now a tool in people’s job cause this make easier too many activities that people does in the offices like letters accountability design finances and too many options that we can find in different software each one specialize in it’s own camp.
Computers can create dependency because they make things easier.
If you are going to use a computer be sure about turn it off before in the correct way because if you turn it off in the wrong way you can lost information.

martin florez
sirius t00015789

Unknown said...

I think that the computers are good and bad ... good for that they facilitate the work to us .. only you sit down opposite to the computer and ready ... the bad thing is that as the work is done mas easily, we do not have that to be moving us and it...
But the PC is a very good help ... you prop there they are giving him, the technological advances of the humanity...

Nathalia Chavez

Unknown said...

I think that the computers are good and bad ... good for that they facilitate the work to us .. only you sit down opposite to the computer and ready ... the bad thing is that as the work is done mas easily, we do not have that to be moving us and it...
But the PC is a very good help ... you prop there they are giving him, the technological advances of the humanity...

Nathalia Chavez

Anonymous said...

The computers have changed our lives because, in the past all the work was very difficult and complicated for foult of technology, and also for the absence of one apparatus that make my life easier.
The computers have many aspects positives and negatives.The aspects positives are:
*I use my computer to send and receive emails, to find information on the web, for doing university assignments, to read the news etc.
The aspects negatives are:
* The way of spend my free time in things unnecessary, for exmaple: to play games all day, for downloading music etc.
These are my instructions for to use the computer:
*Make sure to turn off the computer when you finish the work.
*Be sure not to pay bills on the web.
*Try to keep it closed to protect the screen.
*Try not to turn on the computer all night.
*Remember to clean up the computer every day.
* Don`t forget to turn down the antivirus for security.
I consider that the computer is the best invention that created the mankind for make the life easier.

Karen Sofia Gonzalez Alarcon.
Code: 07-16-025
Group: F

Anonymous said...

The Computer is a new life style because it’s the tool to connect to internet and they make our life easier when you need to find something quickly, actually it’s a new way to communicate with people like family, friends and other person until it’s necessary to make the English homework. PC’s and Internet are the same because one of them can’t live without the other, for this reason both are grow so fast and I think that all people must live with this tools that help in many things, the dark side of computers are that people every day depend more and more of them, and spend the time in chat, porn sites, websites like facebook and other tings.
Every job as simple as it, need that the person knows about computers and basic programs like Microsoft office, because in this time everything it’s handle by computer. In the industry all information is saved in databases, so the huge problem is that bad people like black hackers can steal the information and then request money to give back it, this is the new form to obtain easy money!!!

Catalina Solarte Burbano

Anonymous said...

My opinion brings over of the computers is very good, because thanks to this way of communication, ivenstigacion, distraction, it is very agreeable for the majorities of the persons for the development of his lives much easy . The computers are machines that help us to solve many quantities of problems related to this one itself .. nowadays the computers and the technology is very necessary for our daily development

07 16 032

Unknown said...

The computers play a very important paper today Because, it is a necessary tool...
I think that the computers are the straight hand Because is a facilitator of the processd of the man, The work is more efficiently...
Since the technology has evolved, the persons did mas efficiently.
Though unfortunately for the youth no...

alvaro gomez fundador said...

1. They make easier the life for everyone in the world, i think. They make a terrific change in ours live, for example more easy make our work, our study, the way that we communicate.

2. People spend more time in front of the computer than TV, cause is more interactive and you can do a lot of things, for example play music, watch videos, chat a litte bit with friends, play games

3. A lot of influence, because our work is easier now, major productivity, now with a computer and a program you van manage companies more easily and efficiently.

4. Well the only problem that I see is that the bill of energy arrive more expensive,

5. Make sure that the computer have all the right connections, try to put the computer in a very fresh zone of your house, be sure to have a good antivirus, try not to download files that you don’t now who

Unknown said...

the computer are a tool Necessary to improve the work of the people...Thanks to this tool we can to communicate with the people that are far..though for some persons as for example the youth of today Only they use to pass the time..they do not know its importance that has...
I think that this tool is the better that exists...Everything is easily and more fast...

CODE: 0714015

Anonymous said...

the computers make easier my life because with them i can do more quickly my homeworks and them make my life more difficult because i have to learn how to use them.
i`m one of the people who spend their free time in the messenger and in the internet in general. i think that we spend so much time in this because when you are in front of a computer the time past very very fast and you didn`t realize it.
with the computers the variety of jobs increase so much. the computers can make our lives difficult because they can have virus and he information could be erase. that`s why the hackers are a very big problem because they make the virus and create it.

stephanie jimenez

Anonymous said...

Hi teacher, this is my opinion about computers:

i think that the technology`s development and all revolutioners inventions has changed our life, this has made our life easier and has allowed many things that before we can`t do.
But at same time this cause that the humans become in an useless persons `cause we prefer the internet before the books (Ok we shouldn`t spread)

If somebody ask me borrow a gadget mine like mp3 computer cell phone I give he/she the following suggestions:
* make sure turn off when you finish used it.
* remember to not forget it in whatever place
*please not return me destroyed. OK!

CODE T00018916 GROUP F

Anonymous said...

the computer is a very good help you prop there they are giving him, the technological advances of the humanity.

PC’s and Internet are the same because one of them can’t live without the other, for this reason both are grow so fast and I think that all people must live with this tools that help in many things.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hugo,
I am Jhorland Ayala,
I think that the computers are good if people use them for good things. I believe that they make eassier our life because we can save time in tasks that we have to do, find important and necessary information we need, and other things... Before using a computer we have to be sure to know how to use it, and try not to use it for bad things... that`s my advice.

Anonymous said...

i believe that the Computers make our lives easier because it helps us make better many tasks, as find information, bring work home, send eMails and communicate with people who are very far away.
sometimes peoples don't use their free time well, With the computers we can save time.
But also the bad people have used to harm others as trafficking, theft, etc...

the computers have good things and bad things but can't deny that we have helped a lot.

Vanessa Angulo Carvajal

Anonymous said...

I thing that the computer is one of the best inventions!!
The computers have changed in a way surprising people's lives, because they have facilitated the daily work and now this work can be made in a shorter time.
But computers are a very useful tool,its to help people become a little incapable and useless.
A negative aspect of computers is: many times people do not use their free time well, because it lose sending messages or improper things.
If you use a computer you should use these instructions:
- Don`t forget turn it off, after used it
- Try not to use the computer for improper things.
- Remember to clean it up.
- Make sure to use an anti-virus to protect your files.

CODE T00017779

Anonymous said...

The computers have changed the world.
nowday you can do many things whit it.The pc is used for sending messages, making homworks and so on.also you can investigate quickly,play video games,and talk whit your friends.In my opinion it is the eight wonder of the world. ATT MARLON CRUZ CABEZA TOOO17912

Anonymous said...

Hello Teacher!!!
From my point of view the use of the computer is of vital importance and also is a source of learning, this tool is very good, but also has its drawbacks because as a source of information is displacing the interesting for the books and sometimes opening step to plagiarism.Besides students rarely went to the library.

The world of computers have large impact on our daily activities, whether in the field work, staff, educational Among others...

Boys and girls: ¡We should be embrace the technology but not lose our intellect and not change the interest in books which give us more wisdom than any website!



Computers were used to conduct research, work very easily but we started doing this than relying on computers for many things and we do not care about our capabilities to develop more.
Life with computers has made the world more interconnected, which is an advantage because we can be in touch with people who are on the other side of the planet. But in a world where there are flaws, are people who spend long time in front of the computer without knowing the consequences this could because everything in excess is bad. However computers represent an edge in getting a work because it requires knowledge in the work because computers are necessary to carry out the activities of the company as an enterprise requires computer programs to optimize perimtan work.
Using a computer to follow the instructions below:
make sure to Turn on the first instance regulator.
be sure to Turn on the CPU.
make sure to Turn on the monitor.
And to shut it down:
-don´t forget to Close all windows and tools.
-Remember to select the Start menu option to turn the computer off and then the computer is switched off.


Anonymous said...

well. The computers have changed my life because thanks to it, i have more facilities to solve my homeworks, and to talk with my friends.
the computers doesn´t affect my free time...because i know how to distribute my free time with my homeworks and tasks & leisure.
actually, a computers is very important in the companies and enterprises for business stuff.

-instructions to someone about how to use your computer:
*Be sure not to eat close to my computer
*Be sure to turn it off when you are done using it.
*try not to get usb devices because they can infect my computer.


Anonymous said...

Hi teacher hugo

I think that computers make my life easier because I can send and receive e-mails, to find information on the web, for doing university assignments, to read the news, to listening to music, and to communicate with other people in too many countries.

In my opinion computers affect the way I spend my free time when just I use my computers for chat or play games in internet.

Also for my computers changed the way of work the people because in the different jobs is necessary know the programs like Microsoft word, excel, power point and others for to make assignments more fast, easy and efficient way.

My instructions or people that use the computer are:
- Be sure to turn on the computer after you work.
- Make sure to turn off the computer when you finish to work
- Don’t forget to close the windows after you work.
- Try not pay bills in the internet.
- Remember to disconnected the computer if you don’t have pole to earth.

CODE: 06-16-003
SIRIUS: T00016670

Anonymous said...

The computer is an electronic machine that with happening of the time has come updating and facilitating the majority part of the tasks with can be made, which has done that the life for the people which use it makes its work much more easy, also makes that the people distract themselves in their free times with activities like games, listen to music, see promotions to buy any product, make investigations, communicate with people inside and out of the country use this system, etc.

But also it causes that many people become employee of the computer and that without the help of this tasks and although this tasks be easy it becomes difficult, causes that the people through the Internet forget the valuable things important and that they rounds them, like the friends, and the strolls

The works are found of single fast way with clicking, which generates that the people are not interested to look for the things, it causes that people have problems in their social life, which becomes addict to the computer through the Internet.


Unknown said...

A computer is an electronic machine (hardware) using programs (software) to control operations.
The computer make my life easier every time I have to do a homework, when I want to talk with some friends, when I want to see some pictures of me and my friends, etc.
But, at the same time, make my life difficult everytime I must clean it (for example)
The computers affect directly my free time, because I always turn on the computer when I finish my tasks…I mean, in my free time i´m used to talk with my friends in msn, and a lot of internet…(facebook, youtube, etc, etc….)

Every job needs a computer….this machine is necessary in every environment…an example:
Doctors need a computer because they need to registrate the pacient prescription.
Secretaries need a computer because they need to write important letters.
Business managers need a computer because the programmes makes an efficient and easy works.
Computers cause a lot of problems. In my case, everyday, I must download a new data base of my antivirus and that´s too boring because if I don´t do it, my computer turns off…I don´t like that!
*Be sure not to eat near the computer.
* make sure to turn on and turn off the computer in the way it should be.
*try not to download unknown files to my computer.
*Try to clean the keyboard when it is dirty.
*remember to call to Computer S.A if you need help with the maintenance
* don´t forget to write the password.

Anonymous said...

the pc really changes people's can do almost anything in your computer, you can pay bill's, share stuff whit other people in another country....the computer change my life...becouse when i get home the firt thing that i do is turnig on the pc...for listening music or play music...a lot of stuff u can do whit a the buisness world the computer do almost anything's change diferett's process that people do before whit his own the computer do everythig since don a Surgery to pilot a plane...

carlos javier mouthon
cod. 05-11-802

Anonymous said...

the computers are a very important tool in our days because they serve us for great variety of things, between them we have, to make works, chat, listen to music, see videos, to do everything. the computers open us a huge windows to the investigation and the knowledge, and for that reason they are so important for the society in all the world

ivan ortiz

Anonymous said...

the computer is one of the best invent the last century. it changed our live because in this we can do something, it affect our live because in our free time some people spend the time playing, listening music, reading messenger etc. have a easier life because people don´t investigate in encyclopedia only search in internet and have the information.
other thing is that people don´t try to practices sports for is sitting in fron of the computer.
remenber to use computer for something interesting that have a good contribution for your live.
and try to advise a people have a good use for a computer
juan manuel alvarez T 0711048

Anonymous said...

the computers are the best invent in the human life. the computers make more easir ours life because we can found a lot of information in the internet. also to do many kind of work with different programms. in the actuallity the computers affect too much our free time, because we lose it in messenger, or in game or in facebook, etc.
first make sure to turn on the pc. then be sure to enter the correct password, remeber to use in the appropiate way. try not to put in dangerous your computer with virus. whn you finish remeber to save all your work before you close the programms and finally dont forget to turn off the pc.

sebastian fonseca T00018782


The computer is a working tool, it's like a book. We must use this tool to learn. It is no longer a luxury but a necessity.
Computers facilitate the daily work thus making better and more accurate, with computers can send email to our friends living outside, meet new people and expand our network of friends and besides, we can investigate and create new things.

Unknown said...

My opinion abaut the computers is...
The computers is important because help the people with the work and the children make your homeworks.
The computers help to comunication with other persons.
And the persons read the newspaper with the internet.
The tecnology and computers are very important to new live.

Jeniffer Nova M.

Anonymous said...

The computers have changed our life style, for example a computer can supply a TV, a radio, a calculator, too it is very usefull to write text, make presentation and many other things. But not everything about computers and thecnology is good, for example the people not spend theirs free time doing exercise, talk with other persons, the people spend their free time in internet, in the computer. The computers can be the life more easy or more difficult

Anonymous said...

the computers are very important in this moment, because they make The life better. When the computers appeared people used them to have fun,to do homeworks and others things, but now with the internet the computers have become in a vital tool, because we can get whatever we want.

These are the instructions for people who want to use my computer:
when you are using it don`t forget to turn it off,don`t eat near from it, don`t get files unknown, and use it to do good things.

Unknown said...

In my opinion the computers have become Necessary in the life because is that makes our life easier when to realize investigations Or to look for some information. In the world of the business They are an integral part cannot survive without computers because they realize the majority of negotiations to distance and this way facilitates them to him.

the computers have influenced in my life because I spend most of my time in the internet to find works,in the messenger and listen to the music.

yeimi paramo camacho
cod 0711021

Anonymous said...

The technology has been evolving across the years,The computer is uan sample of her, and It has helped the man in the production of his labors,por example: the homework,work, investigation.
Also it has his negative things, Since this one realizes many labors that deberian the persons realize, and In case of the young men they have turned the Internet into a vice.
You prop of all the negative things the computer has been very important because it(he,she) has facilitated very much the communication.

Andrea Diaz A. cod. 0712011

Anonymous said...

hi hugo..

One of the most important things that the computers have got at this time of our lives is the fact that they make people to do things that in the past were almost impossible to be made, now we can send emails, and all this kind of those that make so much easier the communication among people, and also it is easier for people to work, this kind of things.

The computers are also important for engineers, because they use programs to solve the different problems that can be found in a construction, now is easier for them to do amazing structures that with the past of the time became important for the evolution of human being.

carlos varela lara

adriana said...

I think that the computer, has been one of the most important inventions developed for mankind.
This allows us to have contact with others no matter what place we are, however, caused some damage because the latter give us everything, it creates a dependency and an attachment to him, preventing a better development of our capabilities

Adriana Dominguez

Anonymous said...

I think that the computers make life less complicated. Is easer to comunicate wich somebody else, to shop something, visite new places, acces to information, all this in your own house.

Javier Jimenez

Anonymous said...

for me the computers are changed the lifes for many people, because is very useful for search jobs and works for the university, you can read the news, and send and recives e-mails.
In my free time i like dowloading music and videos and sometimes y play games.
when the people use my computer it's should be in mind the following instructions:
-remember, it takes and to extinguish the computer of a suitable way
-try to don't eat when you use the computer
-when you use the computer don't forget to keep your informations before to extinguish.


gina carrasquilla

Alejandro Salgado Baldovino said...

The Computers have change our live very much, the computers have done the things easier for us, and that is good but we dont use the internet very well.
How computers make your life easier? more difficult? very easy
How do computers affect the way you spend your free time? i spend my free time in a big part with the computer, but i try to use in the best form.
How do computers influence the kinds of jobs people have? sometimes is very good for some people in their jobs because helps them to investigate more.
What kinds of problems do computers cause? make the things vry easy and make the persons lasy...
And finally, could you give some instructions to someone on how to use your computer? : make sure turnning on , be sure to be careful in the use of the computer, try to dont eat on the computer,and don´t forget to turnning off...

Anonymous said...

The importance of computer is nowadays felt in each and every sphere. Right from the beginners of the primary schools to the big industrialists, everyone comes in touch with the computers. The importance of the computer training is rapidly increasing as it is required in each and every field in this fast growing world. Even the housewives too need to know the basics of the computer if they want to be an efficient home manager. Shopping, cooking, cleaning everything has become computerized nowadays. Even for guiding the little one in their school homework, the mother should have the primary computer knowledge.

maria angelica jimenez

Anonymous said...

The computer make, my life very easier because I did the homework more quick and I investigate everything necesary,
I use the computer for sending with my friends and we may game In one
The computer is a distraction for kinds and people because there is to msn but is very good for working
The firts that you'd make to seize the computer and to enter the program for to make the homework or it wish
If you are going to revise some of the files in your memory don`t forguet to the put on verry well and You have to be sure that the computer does not have virus and finally remenber to Set to come out before the memory out KATHERINE PEÑA TORRES COD 0716092

Anonymous said...

No way computers make life difficult, contrary, it’s makes it very easy. Things that we used to do in a long time, we can do it now faster and better. And that’s not all. Computers are a benefit for the human beings and help us with everything like medicine, astronomy, sports, house job, chemistry, school, etc.
In my spare time I like to be investigating and looking for things on the Internet, I also like to download music, watch videos, chatting with friends and occasionally send e-mails to my friends.
The most important influence is the ease and speed with which the work is done today, computers and technology, are in the ability to offer to humans very easily and quickly to meet programmed tasks and make decisions, if this not, the case, thanks to the policies that lead people to invent their processes.
Contamination, the same waste of both virtual and physically is a problem today because the computers are going to innovate every day and this gives rise to other machines that are becoming obsolete are garbage and rubbish that it is very costly for men human. Moreover as there is no absolute control over the contents of computers and the services they give us, there is a lot of information that causes a lot of damage in some societies.
eduardo verbel espinosa 04-11-951