Sunday, April 6, 2008

English 3 Activity 8 Special day

If you have to choose a special day to honor someone you like, love or admire, who would this person be? It could be someone famous or not in your Country or abroad, What kind of activities would you do to celebrate this day?

New Interchange, Unit 8 practice:


Anonymous said...

In my hole life there´re no one who loves, and takes care of me more than either my mother or father does.They have made not only everything possible to make me a better person, but also have given me all what i need. And if i have to choose anyone to honor in a special they would be without a doubt those person. in my opinion and according to my needs it shouldn´t be a huge celebration it would be ok if just the nearest person around me could realize how much my parents have me to help not only my brothers and me but the rest of the family and of course the holiday have to be something that they enjoy like a day in a luxurious hotel in front of the beach with a bonfire and the most important thing in beautiful night, the food. The honor have to be based on funny actions like a presentation of pictures where everybody who is presented in that moment could see how wonderful is my life with them like parents.

Jose Romero
Cod. 300015155

Anonymous said...

The person that i think should have a day to be honored is my father. I say this because my father does everything that is posible to make my family happy. He works every day and all day just to make sure that we have all what we need.
The day would be february 4th, because that day is his birthday.
That day would be celebrated in a church, with all his family and friends, something really normal and special.
Javier Jimenez

Alejandro Salgado Baldovino said...

If you have to choose a special day to honor someone you like, love or admire, who would this person be? I think that i WIll choose my mother,because she is so perfect that I would like that my wife will be like her... she is dentist but at the same time she make many other activities, she is in groups and she like cooking very much... so for me is perfect... probably I will celebrate with her and my father and my sister with a travel around the world,,, that will be amazing.. and i shure she like it...that will be my activity, i will need a little money... I hope to do it.

Anonymous said...

Ok teacher Hugo for my the special days are a November 11 since they are the festivities cartageneras and obvious it is necessary to enjoy them up to the dawn then it comes the day of my birthday on November 26 because it passes awhile chevere with the people that one wants such as friends and relatives and finally on December 31 since it is an end purpose of year and at least I always have espectativas from what to happen pass next year.

alvaro gomez fundador said...

If a have to choose a day to honer a person i love, I would not only choose one day because i choose the hole year to honer my mother, i would kiss her every single day, i would huge her, i would sing to her ang must of all i would be on her side.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

if I had to choose one special day to dedicate to somebody, that day i dedicated to my grandfather because even he isn´t with me for me continues being the best grandfathers worldwide, in that special day we did everything what we want because he liked to make cook for other people, play domino, watch tv, be with he´s grandsons, go to “la boquilla” and visit san antero. This day I dedicate to him.
because is deserved it, he was a great person, sincere,honest, and he had many friends and mainly he loved me so much y love him too.
katherine campo fuentes
cod. 0711040

Anonymous said...

Shepherd´s Day

Shepherd´s day is a day when all the christians people go to church and celebrate with a ceremony in honor to Shepherd.
Initialy all the christians make a praise and a speech to God for the life of shepherd.
Before the food, one person make different activities in honor to shepherd, for example: dynamics with a prize, songs to God and then all the christian receive a present.
During the dinner all the people eat rice with raisins, meat and wine.
After the food, all the christians receive the dessert and finish the celebration with a speech of thanksgiving.

Karen Sofia Gonzalez Alarcon
Code: 07-16-025
Group: F

Unknown said...

If i to chose someome to celebrate with him i will chose the president of colombia Alvaro Uribe Velez because is a very good diplomatic and he know´s how we have to find the best solution at the problems with the presidents of other contries and doesn´t need to resort the problems in the military way.
i wold like to organize a parade with k-fir airplanes naval schips and do a march with the army and put the new holiday.

yeimi paramo camacho

Anonymous said...

Hi Teacher!
Well, if i have to choose someone person to honor, this would be my mother . She`s the person that i admire a lot `cause all her life has look after for my family and me. I appreciate to God for my mother everydays and i wish i could give back all things that she has done for me.
But, one day which we enjoy a lot
isn`t mother`s day precisely, Nooo... are all those that we past time together and celebrate very happy ours birthdays and another festivities. I love my mother.

CODE T00018916

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend...
Bobby Fischer was the best chess player that has existed in all the times... and I think that there should be an special day,in that the people honor that personage...
I think that the perfect day to do that is august 31, the day that Bobby won the world championship of chess vs Spassky.
In that day people should play a game of chess to commemorate the day that Bobby bacame in the world campion of chess.

Jhorland Ayala
cod: T00017776

Anonymous said...

My special days would be december 24th and 31th because the people drink and eat a delicious food and i like the lights on chrismas and I tink that the people lives more hapiest in this period of time.

one person that i thing should havea day to be honred is my father because he is for me a exelent person and he works every day for get food and other things to my house and he is the person that i admire.
cod. 07 12 005

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose pedieran or to honor someone, in doubt elect my mother. Since she is the person I love most in my life and dmiro much for their courage and strength to succeed despite the ostaculos and always find solutions to things. And all he has done in his life hasi by me and by my brother and I agradesco much. Agradesco him to my mother for being halli the time that I needed more in the good and bad, despite apocharme that sometimes this does not agree with me. But remains siendro my mother and always will be. Much I love you mom.
jennifer monsalve matuana 0514031


The person who held the day because my mother would have been a very important person in my life because she has been a great woman who has done a lot in their lives for the future of their children.
I hold to the lead to places where wanted and could not, lead to the cinema, eating ice cream. Also we would go with my father and sister in order to strengthen the family surrounded in a brotherly environments. Serious for a moment to recognize all the efforts made by my mom, but many times it makes just waiting for the warmth and love from their children.


Anonymous said...

If I would have a speccial day to celebrate with somebody i love, it would be my mother, because she is everything to me. to celebrate a day just for her, I would cook breakfast for her, and i will take it to her bed. then, i would arrange everything to spend the day together, we will fo and have dinner outside, maybe a trip aroud the town in this cars guiden by horses.
i will hug her at the end of the day, and i would tell her how much i love her, because she has done a lot of god things for me, she has been my souport, and she has never leave me alone.
That`s why I will spend the day with my mother.
eduardo verbel espinosa 04-11-951

Anonymous said...

hello hugo

good,If I have to choose someone to devote a special day,I will choose to all the people who are helping those who most need it,because these people teach us to look beyond our eyes and they also teach us to give love, solidarity, sensitivity and understanding.

probably we will celebrate with a special food, games,dance, and other fun activities with people that need help.

I would like that on the day of solidarity of the people is in honor of all human... ¡This world would be better!

Vanessa Angulo Carvajal
group: F

Anonymous said...

Hello Hugo!!!

I admire Andrea Echeverry, She is a singer rock belongs to the known Aterciopelados band. Andrea became famous with the single "Rocker flower".
I chosen because she is an original singer, simple and quiet.

In that day people should Offer a tribute to the colombian talented to commemorate the Andrea day,
People should give flowers, presents and beautiful cards.

Also, People who like rock should make a song in honor of her. This Could stimulate the rock in Colombia and appreciate the talent that gives our country in the world .

Heidi Urueta Ragel cod.T00017784

Anonymous said...

I THINK, THERE SHOULD BE A DAY WHERE THE TEACHERS HONOR THEIR STUDENTS.It would be nice for the students because they could feel respected.In that day , the students teach their teachers, and they can have a test.MARLON CRUZ CABEZA T00017912

Anonymous said...

I think that there should be a special day to honor a Juanes(Colombian singer). Because it is a person with a very big social commitment, for example he has a Personal work against of the landmines, also has concerts for peace.
Juanes is Goodwill Ambassador of the Fundacion united by Colombia, this shows his desire to help without interest.
If Juanes`s day is not possible, I will like that he win the Nobel peace prize.
I think that a good day for to celebrate in honor to Juanes is on August 9,day of his birthday.
For to celebrate this day, the people should make a tribute in honor to Juanes.

CODE T00017779

EUNI... said...

The person that I would honour my mother, because she is the person most hard worker and I know, she has struggled since a very young age and had gone ahead, she never gets overcome by fatigue and concerns to the contrary she always continues, she is very beautiful, I love my mother much, for that I whish would exist only for a world day she and the world to send gifts for she.
If there on the day of my mother, it would on 26 June.
On this day get up early and all persons engaged in arranging the house, make a dinner of rice with raisins and meat than is the favorite food of my mother, ah and all parts of the world you send gifts to my mother.
• June 26 is the day when all the people of the world to honour my mother and send presents for she.
• June 26.It`s a day when people celebrate the life of my mother.


Anonymous said...

hi teacher hugo

if i had a choose one special day to dedicate to somebody, that day i dedicated to MANUEL ELKIN PATARROYO because is a colombian research scientist, has developed the world's first safe and effective malaria vaccine and with his vaccine he safe too many lifes around the world.
the special day would be 3 of november, because is the day of his birthday.

the activities for this day are: fireworks, speak in the diferent school's about this scientist and his vaccine,give cards and flowers and create a monument in his honor and put in this monument cards and flowers every year

my name is ESTEFY BALETA

Unknown said...

well the persons who I admire so much, are my father and my mother because those persons make me grow up and they do wherever they have to do for his childrens, I love them so much.thanks god exist a day for both of them because in this especial days I can demostrate them how much i love them.i love my they are the best of the best i like to be with them because i always have i great time with them.

Anonymous said...

if i have to choose a especial day to honor someone, that day will be november 9, is a day when my family celebrate being together.
but if a choose someone the person will be my mother because she is very especial for everyone in the family.

andres camilo silvera h
cod. 0711035
group: A

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

If I had to choose that some people choose to spend a special day, these would be my grandmother and my mom, they are some wonderful people I admire and they have taught me many values, so I think every day is to celebrate with the people you want and admires greatly.

Another character that we should admire and respect all Colombians is our president Alvaro Uribe Velez, because ho all this time has shown us the desire to succeed that the country forward in all aspects especially violence.


Anonymous said...

The person that i think should have a day to be honored is my daughter. because she is my life since she was born, she is the most important person in my life, she has made only with her smily that i make in the best father that she could have. And if i have to choose anyone to honor in a special day she would be without a doubt that little person in her birthday, i would kiss and huge her all day long, i make a big celebration with only the nearest person around me, my family and friends, and my baby girl friends too.
this day have to be the specials day in my dauther life that everyone enjoy the celebration, with clowns, cake, ice cream for everybody i a beautifull night of cartagena in a special place too of course, and for the adults people with a big dinner and some beers we celebrate too, This celebration day have to be based on funny actions like games for kids and adults, and i think it would be an unforgiven day.

Anonymous said...

andres girldo giraldo
cod 0711035 group C
well teacher,
a day to honor someone, i choose dicember 11, because is a day when we celebrate my mother birthday. these day is very important for my, and everyone in the family.
On that day we will feast, gifts and surprises

Anonymous said...

Well, the special person to whom I want to honor my sister Claudia Romero Gonzalez, because is a woman entrepreneur, who always draws the bright side of things, A woman who is hard because each day that passes him a new experience, That every moment of life enjoyment as if it were the last, is a very special person that everyone who know her fall in love with what it is wonderful, because an excellent sister, Friend, colleague, that's why I want so much because someone is dignó admire even if not famous, so the day that I would honrarla is December 27 that is a day before his birthday, and a very special day for two, that day he would make a surprise with all your friends and people appreciate it with gifts, surprises, piñata, Etc. the would bring to my parents as a gift and above all he would know how proud I am of her and what I am thankful for being her sister.


Anonymous said...

Well, the special person to whom I want to honor my sister Claudia Romero Gonzalez, because is a woman entrepreneur, who always draws the bright side of things, A woman who is hard because each day that passes him a new experience, That every moment of life enjoyment as if it were the last, is a very special person that everyone who know her fall in love with what it is wonderful, because an excellent sister, Friend, colleague, that's why I want so much because someone is dignó admire even if not famous, so the day that I would honrarla is December 27 that is a day before his birthday, and a very special day for two, that day he would make a surprise with all your friends and people appreciate it with gifts, surprises, piñata, Etc. the would bring to my parents as a gift and above all he would know how proud I am of her and what I am thankful for being her sister.


Unknown said...

One of the most important people in my life, is my godsoon and I would like to do a happy. doing what he likes the most, A big party with many children, food and water.
First invited all their friends from kindergarden
Reserve a pool and fill it with balloons and balls.
Barney recruit for the party
Buy a big cake and many grocerys and candy.
and lots music for children.

Anonymous said...

Hello teacher

I don't really have especially one day, for my all are important since it is one who makes that the day it is worthwhile, but I have always liked when they arrive since the days of December I can enjoy them beside my parents and of my sister since leave almost always of it travels through all Colombia.

Anonymous said...

Hello teacher

I don't really have especially one day, for my all are important since it is one who makes that the day it is worthwhile, but I have always liked when they arrive since the days of December I can enjoy them beside my parents and of my sister since leave almost always of it travels through all Colombia.


Anonymous said...

if I have to choose anyone to honor in a special day unspeakable they would be my parents, both of them have been so careful and lovely on me. three years ago my mom got sick, I thought everything was right, but it really wasn´t. so long time before my moom´s gotten sick I was used to get home and no more,I didn´t do anything else. nowadays my mother is the most important person in my hole life.every single day I realize that my parents are just borrowed for a second in my life, their honor have to be based on handing around, visiting good restaurants and traveling around the world.

liliana canabal
code 0514021

Anonymous said...

If i had to choose one day to honor someone i love, i'd say everyday, because that person would be my mom, she's the best person I've ever known in my whole life, she's my confident, my best friend and always gives me advices about life, also takes care of me and is the person who has been always with us (my brothers and me) and never has failed us. Even there's an special date to honor her, i think this day isn't enough because she's the best and deserves the best too. Like I said before, I'd honor my mom everyday, and the best way to celebrate that is telling her everyday how much i love her, and helping her in everything she needs.

COD: 0414020

Anonymous said...

the people who but I admire are my parents,but in special.
the day of its anniversary would demonstrate my admiracion to them, with a food, where the this all reunited family, with pretty memories as photographies, videos, of the best together days.
I think that he is something simple but beautiful, and that to them they would like.


Anonymous said...

The person that i think should have a day to be honored is my cute cousin, 'cause he is my best friend in my life and i love him so much because he always help me in my troubles and business he always there for me.

and i want to celebrate a special day for him to let him know how much i love him, a dinner-party with my family, his family and our nearest friends, the best party that i could offer to him for everything he have gotten to me, a cake, food, and dance all the night it's the funniest think i could imagine.

so i hope this dream come true for him and his family.

Anonymous said...

My favorite day is new year, is special...
I have fun moments with my family, all have a celebration in a house, with music, food.
I have fun moments with my friends.
Later all go to the beach.
The new year is a very special day in my live.

Jeniffer Nova M

Anonymous said...

The special date that I choose to show the person that I like l is special for me is the day of St. Valentine because it inspires a lot of tenderness in each of the people around us and in spite of that very absence spells far ua least this is the time that we all have touched the heart.
I think that the life is very special for everybody and we take care That each of the datum are special to each of us
katherine peña torres T00018044

Anonymous said...

I love to celebrate the new year, last year we welcome in my home, all collaborate to make it one of the best days to begin the year, all we had a different agüero for the new year, for example, my mom was ate twelve grapes and grape per asked a desire, my father, we irrigate champagne all to attract prosperity, and I use my brother yellow underwear to have a good year, is one of the best days of the year in which always happens Super well.

gloria gil

Anonymous said...

The mom’s birthday
My mother is the most special person for me, her birthday isn’t any day, and for that reason I gift many presents, kisses and hugs!
In the morning I played my guitar and sing her happy birthday song’s, and then she smiles and thanks to me.
Everybody is ‘’as busy as a bee’’ on the mom’s party. In the party there will be mariachis; my brother carry out the decoration of the party, and I am taking charge of the food, the whole family works so that the party is excellent. My mom suckles this in the beauty parlor, being placed beautiful for party and all their friends, I invite their friends of the work and I study. She will be surprised, and grateful for the surprise of the party. Everything for that she is happy in their day.
We all work my father my siblings and some friends it will really be a brilliant party.

carlos varela lara
cod: 0516013

Anonymous said...

If i have to choose a day to honor somebody i choose Andriy Shevchenko. Shevchenko is the best forward of the soccer world, he won the gold ball 3 years ago (2004)thanks to his performance in the italian league at Milan FC. Shevchenko has been in many teams like Dinamo Kiev, Milan and actually at Chelsea FC. Actually He is passing bad moments because always he is in the bench of subtitutes but with hard training he can be succesful in Chelsea FC. For that reasons i think hi have to have a honor day.

Ivan Ortiz

Anonymous said...

hello everyone:
in my own way to see something
i give a vote for "THE BEER DAY".
because here in cartagena we most of the time drink some beers on weekend. well if we have money we drink on monday or whatever day of the week.
that´s why we need to choose
a day. i think on 10th june because it´s my birthday and also i have some friends who drinks a lot of beers every weekend, everytime when they wanna drink it.
also me you know? i like beers,parties,we need a special day like beer day.
!!! i need your suport for this special our culture !!!

!!! vote 7 !!! and choose the most important day in our live!!!

thank for your suport me and our culture.

Anonymous said...

The person that I will choose is my mother, I think that is normal that all people love to their mothers, but sometime we don’t do things to prove it. My mother is very special for me, she is the person that gave to me a life, is very comprehensive and she always tries to give me everything that I need with much love. The day that I´ll choose is the mother’s day and I want to prepare her breakfast for that day and take it to her bed and after that go out whit her to have an special dinner….I hope that she like and enjoy it, because if she is happy I will too.

maria angelica jimenez T00015737

Anonymous said...

well. if i had to choose a day that i dedicate to someone, i dedicate to my family.
because i think that we have a very good relation when we are together we fry to spend the time cooking, eating together. then visiting our parents, eat out the home, go to the church and to take a walk.
other things that we do id the free time is listen the music, watch t.v and clean the house.
sometimes i cook for me family and my father wash the dishes, and my brother and sister do the other activities that have to do at home while my mother has a great relax.
thas the reason for i like to dedicate and special day with my family.
juan manuel alvarez C.0711048

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that in colombia debit of being a special day where all the persons honraramos to Juanes Since he has been a very important person for the country and he has helped to the construction of the peace, An example was the concert peace without border that I organize with the company of someone of his friends.

This day deberia to be an August 9 that is the day of his birthday and The persons to celebrate it will him to send gifts, to organize videoconcer, and the issuers to make his songs alone on this day

Andrea Diaz Angulo
cod. 0712011

Anonymous said...

hi teacher!!
One special day for me is The valentine days. In colombia is held in september, this day is very special for me, because I play with my friends to a "secret friend" for two weeks.Receives little gifts and finally the game,we meet in a restaurant and to give a good presents for the secret friend and them go to a party for celebrate the day.
is special because I know better my friends and is funny play the game.

gina carrasquilla COD:TOOO14846

Anonymous said...

a special day in my life, its januray five, because my mother and my father clebrate the anniversary,and this day they travel to other cities and sometimes their travel to other countries to celebrate the anniversary.

Saul Martinez Gomez 06 11 040

Anonymous said...

the person that i honnor is my mother becouse she's the only women that supportme in good and bad time's....i make a parade in her honor in octuber 9 becouse that her birthday...and all the people are invited to the parade...have fun and drink some dallo....and of couse eat all the food than we can....

Carlos Javier MOuthon Crismatt
Cod. 05-11-802

Anonymous said...

i will honor my parents, or my friends, because they are the most important in my life, and to celebrate this secial they first the more important is that we needto be together and very unit, do a specal trip, with a delcius lunch, and in the night a party with the best player off the world

sebastian fonseca

Anonymous said...

If i have to take a day to honor someone i will choose november 3, and i will honor my father because with his example he gave me courage to keep figthing everyday. On that day i will give thanks to God because he let him became an exelent man, i choose that day. He got married with my mom and they form a beautiful family.

Grupo F
Sindy Flores Macias
cod: T00019100

Anonymous said...


well, The person that i think should have a day to be honored is diomedes diaz.

he best singer of vallenato, this artist have gave his heart to the vallenato culture for over 30 years, all his records have been succesfully on the national and sometimes even internationals enviroments.
i also think that it would be a good thing remenber today, because off the many diseases his has suffer and the problems involved with. diomedes diaz keep singing to please all the people who follow him and has never leave him alone

adriana said...

The day without fear of singing

On this day we can express what we feel and we want through half we facita communication, and that more than songs and poemaspara that lovers have the opportunity to declare.
They also celebrate those people or those singers rather frustrated.

COD 0716502

adriana said...

The day without fear of singing

On this day we can express what we feel and we want through half we facita communication, and that more than songs and poemaspara that lovers have the opportunity to declare.
They also celebrate those people or those singers rather frustrated.

COD 0716502

Anonymous said...

14 of November; I chose this day because is my mother birthday and I thing this is a very special day because thanks mother sacrifice I am standing on one of the best universities on Cartagena. Because live want it this way she had to fight on live for hers two children’s my sister become on an Excellent Physiotherapist an is above to get and an bushings PhD, and all this from a porn beginning
martin florez garcia 0516860
sirius t00015789

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Unknown said...


Well...everything i have, all i am, is for them.

My parents are the most important persons in my life. they´re always with me, their love can´t be compared.

I think that everyone should give a present....but something special, something that you a letter, sing a song...something like that!!! and be with them all the day!!!

I think that everyday is my parents day!!!

And....i think that the world must celebrate my day!!!I mean....september like the new year because the world had the honor of my existence...and have it!!!jajajajaja....just joking!!!!