Saturday, March 8, 2008

English 3 Activity 6 Requests

Imagine you are at home, use the words you learnt in class to make requests to someone visiting your house or apartment.

Practice: New Interchage Activities Unit6:


Unknown said...

My requests for people that visit me at home are: please don`t leave the bath wet, don`t leasten the music or television to loud, make the bed when you wake up, close the door when you leave, and the most important request is that please ask for the keys when you are going to be late at home....
katherine campo fuentes
cod 0711040

Unknown said...

*Request if someone wants to visit my house:
-Please, could you use a decent language because i don´t like uneducated people.
-You must close the door when you leave my house
-Would you mind picking up your underwear, i mean, i don´t want to see´s gross.
-you must turn off all the machines(tv,radio,dvd,etc) and the lights if you aren´t using them because you are not the one who pays the services...
-You must clean your own disorder because i´m not your mother or your maid.
-Please, can you tell me if you want to give a party because it´s my house and i´m the boss of my place.

Anonymous said...

when the people are stay in my home for one or more days please don saw the TV too loud, and dont leasten the radio too loud and make her or his bed whe get up and pick up your thinks in the floor and don toke too much with the telephone when they come later on my house please walk in silence
William Perez Cod 0714016

Anonymous said...

Some requests for who visit my house are:

• Can you turn up the radio to sing.
• Please, could you wash your hands because we are going to eat.
• Can you clean up your shoes on the rug.
• Would you please hang up the telephone. Because I need it.
• Would you mind serving the dinner if you are hungry.
• Could you please close the door when you leave.
• Would you mind picking up the telephone.
• Can you stop to shout. Because I get a headache.


Anonymous said...

these are the requests for people that want to visit my house.
-dont pick up the phone.
-clean your shoes before you come in.
-put the toilet sit down after you use it
-dont eat in the bedrooms.

Anonymous said...

if some people come to visit me, i request:
- please, don't make a lot of noise.
- would you mind close the door behind you.
- could you speak a low
- please, don't enter to my bedroom without my permission.
- please, don`t make disorder
and the last
please, don`t try to play with the dog.

andres camilo silvera
group A

Anonymous said...

These are my requests for the tenant that like to visit my house:

* Could you turn off the light when you leave the bedroom.
*Would you mind not smoking in my house.
*Would you mind coming early every day.
*Could you take out the trash in the morning.
*Can you wash the dishes after you eat.
*Would you mind cleaning your bedroom every day.
*Can you pick up the clothes, because I dont like the disorder.
*Could you hang up the telephone.
*Can you turn down the radio, because I dont like the noisy.
*Would you mind closing the door when you leave the house.

Karen Sofia Gonzalez Alarcon
Code: 07-16-025
Group: F

Anonymous said...

request for people that visit my house;
-please, clean your feets after you get in.
-can you wash the dishes after you eat.
-could you clean your hands after you eat.
-would you mind not speaking whit the cell phone.
-would you mind picking up your trash.
-can youplease turn daun the cell phone ringtone.
please,can you turn of the lights when you get out.

cod. 07-12-005

Anonymous said...

My requests for the people that visiting my home are:

. Would you mind turning off the computer after you work on it?
. Can you turn down the radio when you listen to music?
. Please, hang up the telephone.
.Could you take out the trash every morning?
.Would you mind coming back early?
.Please, wash the dishes after you eat.
.Would you turn off the lights of the living room?
. Can you turn on the tv?
.Would you mind cleaning your bedroom when you leave?


Anonymous said...

the request that i give a people that visit me are don´t leave the bedroom in disorder, because that person don´t have other people to do for him, you must clean the kitchen it used it help me in making someting at home because i like to have a very order house it that people want to watch tv or listening music please do it lower. other this that is important is don´t leave went a bath when go at home.
juan manuel alvarez T. 0711048

Anonymous said...

These are my requests to people who visit my home:

1. please, could you clean your shoes before you come in.
2. would you mind clossing the door to leave.
3. woul yo mind not eat in your rooms.
4. please, could you turn off the lights when you leave the bathroom.

COD: 0514021

Anonymous said...

my requests for people that visist me at home are:

1)please, turn off the lights,radio,tv,dvd and other machines if you aren't using them.
2)would you mind picking up your underwear.
3)if you going to be late at home.please tell me.
4)you must close the door when you leave my house.
5) could you hang up the telephone.
6)would you clean up your bedroom


Unknown said...

some request for the people for visit my house:

-please,clean your shoes before enter to the house.
-please, turn off the lignts after to go out the bedrooms
-don´t To throw the Garbage in the floor
-turn down the sanitary of doing your needs
-don´t eat on the beds

cod 0711021

Anonymous said...

My request for people that come to visit me at home could be as the first one like, please you must make the bed when you leave your bedroom and clean any disorder like clothes in the floor or something would you mind picking your underwear up.
could you use decent clothes to be in my living room 'cause i don't want to see you in chance clothes.
and another ones will be like:
.please would you mind picking the telephone up, when this ring.
.woukd you mind putting the toilet sit down after you use it.

Kelly Rivera Herrera

Anonymous said...

My request for people that visit me should be:
.you must to come early when you go out, you can not have a key to open.
.you could clean your disorder every morning i'm not your mom
.would you mind close the door when you leave or arrive to my home.


Francisco Pinedo

Anonymous said...

Here I present my request for the people that visit my house:
1)please don´t smoking (I hate all kind of cigars)
2)would you mind maintaning clean and order your space?
3)You must be responsible of your things
4)please turn off and unplug the TV, radio and all apparatus when you finish to use them
5)turn off the lights when you leave of house and try not come back late.

CODE T00018916 GROUP "F"

Anonymous said...

some request for the people for visit my house:

* Would you mind closing the door, please

* Turn off the stereo when you leave please

* Please take off your purse

* Would you mind not sitting here

* Could you move your car from my space

* Would you mind not talking so loudly

T 00013957

Anonymous said...

well, my request for somebody that visit my house are: wake up at 7am for the brakfast, if anybody want to go out, that person must to come back before 11 PM, dont drink alcohol and dont smoke inside my house, for the rest... feel like in your house jackass...

Anonymous said...

well, my request for somebody that visit my house are: wake up at 7am for the breakfast, if anybody want to go out, that person must to come back before 11 PM, dont drink alcohol and dont smoke inside my house, for the rest... feel like in your house jackass...

Anonymous said...

My requests when the people come to my house are:
Please, clean your shoes away, when you eat or preparing something, clean up the kitchen and the dishes. If you listen to music, please turn down the radio. When you leave the house don’t forget take the keys and turn off all the lights. Don’t leave the cloths or your things for all the house, please pick up. When you use the bathroom, Don’t left the towels on the floor. Please hang them up after you take a shower. Turn down the toilet. And don’t play with my pet it’s very angry and nervous.

COD: T00014846


My requests are:
- would you turn clothing collect
- can you turn tv off.
- could you take the trash out
- can you wash the dishes
- would you mind cleaning your room


Anonymous said...

if someone comes to my home , I have to telL her/him many things.

I have to say:please, wash your dishes after having lunch.
Turn down the tv.
don`t go to bed late.
could you turn off the lights at noon?.
please. marlon cruz c. 0714028

Anonymous said...

My requests for the people that visiting my home are:
*Can you yell me when any person arrives.
*Could you turn up the t.v
*Would you mind not getting out of my room.
*Please, dont spit out.
*Would you mind cleaning the house.
Jeniffer Nova Mercado

EUNI... said...

the requests for anyone that visit my house are:

could you please, not turn on the radio.
please would you mind, not arriving late of the night.
can you please, not turn up the tv.
please can you wash your clothes.
could you please, pick up your things of floor.
please can you closes the door your room.
and please would you mind, washing dishes every day.

Eunice jimenez atencia

Anonymous said...

Request if someone wants to visit my house:
1.when you play in my house, please pick up the toys.
2.Can you clean up your mess in the kitchen.
3.Could you turn off the lights, before going to bed.
4.Would you turn off the Tv, because i am studing.
5.Would you mind locking the door.

Diana Acevedo González 07-11-001
Grupo: A

Unknown said...

my request are,first of all is to visit before 9:00 p.m because after of that is bad education.
2. you must ask for all saying "please","thanks".
3.if you ask me the telephone please dont talk for a long time.
4.turn the lights off when you go out of the rooms.
5.dont make disorder for all the house.

att:estefania iriarte

Anonymous said...

My requests for people that visit me at home are the Following:
a). Would you maind not smoking in my house,
b).Can you clean your bedroom every day,
c).Could you take out the trash in the morning,
d).Can you be late to my house but loads your keys,
e).Can you turn down the radio,I dont like the noisy,
f). Would you maind turing off the computer when you finish the tasks
These requests are very important to live with me ok!!!


Anonymous said...

my requests for my friends that visit me home are:
- don´t throw out the garbage on the home
-don´t turn on the tv
- could you please close the door
-Could you hang up the telephone.
-don´t eat in the bedrooms.

Anonymous said...

These are my requests to people who visit my home:

1. Did you could please wash clothes?
2. Collects apples on the table
3. Please put the phone in his post.
4. Not to leave glasses on the floor.
5. Turn off the lights before leaving the bathroom
alemán a francésalemán a inglésárabe a ingléschino a ingléschino (simplificado a tradicional)chino (tradicional a simplificado)coreano a inglésespañol a inglésfrancés a alemánfrancés a inglésgriego a inglésholandés a inglésinglés a alemáninglés a árabeinglés a chino (simplificado)inglés a chino (tradicional)inglés a coreanoinglés a españolinglés a francésinglés a griegoinglés a holandésinglés a italianoinglés a japonésinglés a portuguésinglés a rusoitaliano a inglésjaponés a inglésportugués a inglésruso a inglés
Proponer una traducción mejor

Gracias por proponer una traducción al Traductor de Google.Tus sugerencias nos servirán para mejorar la calidad de las traducciones en futuras actualizaciones de nuestro sistema. These are my requests to people who visit my home:
1. Did you could please wash clothes?
2. Collects apples on the table
3. Please put the phone in his post.
4. Not to leave glasses on the floor.
5. Turn off the lights before leaving the bathroom

tatiana zartate 0514019

Anonymous said...

These are my requests to people who visit my home:
Would you mind cleaning your bedroom when you leave?
Can you pick up the clothes, because I dont like the disorder
please, don't enter to my bedroom without my permission
Please, can you tell me if you want to give a party because it´s my house and i´m the boss of my place
dont eat in the bedrooms.
jennifer monsalve 0514031

Anonymous said...

If some person come to my house, I will request:
Could you speak slow, Please try to be in order, please dont touch my things, Would you mind to arriving before 11 pm....
Alejandro Salgado - 0711036 - T00017704

Anonymous said...

these are the requirements for the visitors that last but of one day in my house

- Close the door when entering
- Turn off the T.V. after used it
- Turn off the radio after used it
-Hang up the clothes in the clothier
-Play before entering to a room
-Turn off the lights after leaving your room
-Fix the bed when getting up


Anonymous said...

These are the requires ill give to my visitors.

- please clean your shoes before you get into my house
- Would you mind clean your hands up before eating?
- Can you turn off the computer after use it?
- Please wash the dishes after eating.
- Would you mind go out whit the dog after you feed it.
- Can you go to the store for some food.

martin florez
sirius T00015789


my requests when somebody visit me at home are:
*Never forget to turn off the fan and lights when leaving the room.
*you can't turn down the radio when the others are watching television.
*please, pick up your books when Finished studying
*You can not go into any room without permission
*If the phone rings, hang up the phone.

Anonymous said...

My requests for people that visit me at home are:
-would you mind arranging the bed after getting up
-please turn off the tv When you stop using it
-con you take up the trsh Every Tuesday
-could you wash the plates after eating
- would you mind downing the radio This when sleeping

ANDREA DIAZ A. cod. 0712011

adriana said...

My requests for the person than visit my house:

ºCan you take out the papers now.
ºCan you turn off the t.v,because I like the program.
º Would you mind playing with my dog.
ºCould you please open the door.
ºCould you please clean my handbag.
ºplease, turn down the lights, because i go sleep.
ºWould you mind driving the car.
ºCould you please give me a chair.

Adriana Dominguez

Anonymous said...

My requests for people that visit me at home are these:
- Would you mind closig the door to the bedroom.
- Can you turn off the computer after you used it.
-Could you mind come back early.
- Can you not eat i the bedrooms.
The most important request is : Please. would you mind not smoking in my house,because it bothers me!

CODE. T00017779
group: F

Anonymous said...

My requests for people that visit me at home are these:
- Would you mind closig the door to the bedroom.
- Can you turn off the computer after you used it.
-Could you mind come back early.
- Can you not eat i the bedrooms.
The most important request is : Please. would you mind not smoking in my house,because it bothers me!

CODE. T00017779
group: F

Anonymous said...

my requests for the people who wants to visit my home are:
can you wash the dishes when you finish your food ?
could you make silence after 9 pm ?
Would you turn off the livnig room lights?
would you mind close the big door?
would you mind Not turning on the tv?
stephanie jimenez

Unknown said...

my requets for the people visit to my house:
1. Please close the door of the room.
2.Please it he cleans your shoes in the rug
3.Please do not do very much noise

Natalia Chavez

Anonymous said...

my request for the people that visit me at home are:
1. yo must turn off the radio.
2. could yo please close the door when you leave.
3. Would you mind not smoking in my house.
4. can you wash the dishes after you eat.

07 16 032

Anonymous said...

My requests for the people that visiting my home are:
*Could you turn up the t.v
* Would you mind serving the dinner if you are hungry.
*can youplease turn daun the cell phone ringtone.
*Please wash the dishes after eating.
*Would you mind not sitting here
*please, pick up your books when Finished studying


alvaro gomez fundador said...

The requests that i make to people that visit my home are:
1. My home is your home.
2. Anyyhing you need take it from the freezer.
3. The bathroom is at the botom of the room.
4. Do not buther me.