Thursday, March 7, 2013

Admon De Empresas Sem 10 2B Week 3-4: Natural Disasters

Have you ever been in a disaster? If not,  imagine you are in one and write a short description of what is happening or what has happened during the event.
You can get ideas from pages 64-65 in your book. Example of natural disasters:  a hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, tsunami, flood, etc...


Anonymous said...

Dairis Cabarcas Lara

i was in a earthquake, everybody was running and screaming, i went out of my house with all my family. thanks god nobody was hurt, and we didn't lose anything in our home. sadly one of our neighbor lost his house and now live on the streets

silvia sierra said...

I have not been in a disaster Naturar, but suppose I've been in a flood where the river overflowed and the water rose 1.50 mts years took all the vessels of the house we had to ride on the roofs and in canoes, harvesting is erdio and many animals drowned and the current llovo, about messrs trying to save their animals and almost drags the stream was a very ugly where all suffer or natural disaster

karen salgado said...

Have you ever been in a disaster? If not, imagine you are in one and write a short description of what is happening or what has happened During the event.
You can get ideas from pages 64-65 in your book. Example of natural disasters: a hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, tsunami, flood, etc ...

I was in a hurricane where in that raining hard and the wind was so strong that one began to lift the roofs of houses and people came out coriendo trying to save their lives, some houses collapsed, but after a few hours of hard rain is ended and all was calm, and the government helped those people who were left living relocating elsewhere.

keyla mendivil said...

I've been through a tsunami, a holiday where my family was then that we saw the sea was collected and the big waves were coming into the hotel where we were not let us out and put us in a "safe" place to entity inside until there were big waves sesaron this terrible time

Anonymous said...

eliana Barros said ..
Karen, I've been in a flood in my town, and it happened when I was sleeping with my family and suddenly fell a heavy downpour and we took refuge in one room and the water came into my house and all material things were damaged.

but thank God today we are recovering ...

Anonymous said...

eliana Barros said ..
Karen, I've been in a flood in my town, and it happened when I was sleeping with my family and suddenly fell a heavy downpour and we took refuge in one room and the water came into my house and all material things were damaged.

but thank God today we are recovering ...


My name is Mauro David Vides Quevedo. I am 22 years old. I am from Talaigua Nuevo, Bolivar. My parents are María and Carlos. I have one brother and two sisters. I study environmental engineering in Fundación Universitaria tecnológico comfenalco. I like Watch Tv and Listen to Music.

tatiM said...

I was cumpelaños is my grandmother to the sea with all my family, suddenly a strong wind out with all the decoration birthday and we realized that was a terrible storm, we ran to our cars and we took refuge in a hotel . Thank God there were no deaths or injuries. one hour after the storm calmed and continue celebrating the birthday of my grandmother.

tatiM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sandra Milena Campillo Escobar.

About 2 years ago in my hometown Cordoba Bolivar, which is located on the banks of the Magdalena River due to heavy rains in the winter there was a natural disaster where homes were under water level. Killed many animals were drowned and shift to higher areas of the town. Most of the houses that were built in bareque were washed away in the stream and when they could not recover anything.
A catastrophic event that united the entire community where solidarity campaigns were launched and mutual collaboration to help people in need, thanks to God and the help of all of today have relocated their home and took appropriate measures for this event type by nature.

Karina Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa said...

For 2011 in the town St. Stanislaus Kostka was experienced the most terrible tragedies ...
In mid-July, began one of the routine events of each year, the rain, but this did not seem to be any rain that rained day and night without rest and because of this one of the most important rivers of the country filled more and more with each passing day, until I get that day would change everything in our way ....
The force of the water broke the boundaries of land to the people who looked after a flood and swept everything in its path, taking the lives of gay people, animals, furniture up to the roofs of many homes play many would move to a place high and leave her alone and abandoned boxes with the fear that many people enter to steal the last thing they had.
Though very little government assistance could get ahead with the help of many people from the same village who were not affected by this terrible wave of rain ...

Anonymous said...

my name is adriano capataz cortes . i am 20 years old. i from colombia .i living in the ejecutibos. i live with my father and sister and my dog. i study environmental engineering in fundacion universitaria tecnologico comfenalco.i like watch tv and play game .

adriano capataz said...

my name is adriano capataz cortes . i am 20 years old. i from colombia .i living in the ejecutibos. i live with my father and sister and my dog. i study environmental engineering in fundacion universitaria tecnologico comfenalco.i like watch tv and play game .

Anonymous said...

My name is julia isabel acosta rondon. I´m 21 years old, I´m studying environmental engineering in fundacion universitaria tecnologico comfenalco . I live in urbanization the gallo. I like swim, watch movie, listen music, dance.

Unknown said...

Good night, my name is Rodrigo Villa. I live in Cartagena in the neighborhood the new gardens, I am 20 years old and live with my parents, their name are Rodrigo and Yadira, I study environmental engineering, I'm in 9 semesters, I like to play soccer in the evenings.
The weekends I go out with my friends to drink beer. I like to sleep late the weekends and go out to eat hot dog, I am faithful fan of FC Barcelona

CODIGO: 12128006

Anonymous said...

My name is julia isabel acosta rondon. I´m 21 years old, I´m studying environmental engineering in fundacion universitaria tecnologico comfenalco . I live in urbanization the gallo. I like swim, watch movie, listen music, dance.

Kevin Andrade Q. said...

Hi Everyone!, My Full name is Kevin Alfonso Andrade Quintero. I'm 21 years old and i living in Los Calamares with my mon, my sister, my niece and my doggy "Bongo"..
I like so much listening music, my prefere genre is "Rock", cause i believe that generally, the persons that make beauty music play his instruments.. I don't like watch T.V so much time.. I dont practice Sports, but i go to the gim..
I enjoy talk with my partners and play Kof "Good Game"..
That is all, if u want to know something more about me..
Search me! in the Tecnológíco Comfenalco.. There i studing. "i forgot that" :P

Anonymous said...

My name is leslye prasca santos, i am 21 years old, i am from colombia, i live with my parents, i like video games, i love pizza and i like to shop, jajaaa i like to surf the internet every day jaajajaa and i dont have boyfriend,my favorite clubs are Fc barcelona, nacional and boca juniors, i love ice cream and sports.....hahahaa i am study environmental engineering and i am so happy!!


Anonymous said...

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Karla Mora said...

Hello friends.:)
my name is Karla Mora, I have 21 years, I'm from Cartagena, I live in san jose of Campania, I have two brothers and a dog named tulip .. I live with my brother, my mom and dad. I like listening to music and occasionally go out dancing with my friends. I like to eat sweets. Live grateful to God for all the blessings that I get every day.

Karla Mora
Ingenieria Ambiental
IX semestre
Codigo: 12128001

Anonymous said...

Maricela Ortega Vanegas

I have not been in a disaster, but I imagine that I am an island paradise, I am listening to people screaming and creaying and I look the sea and my surprise is a tsunami.
I dont know to swim, and I think in my family, friends, because I never see their.
It was so terrible but I survived and I can talk about this...