Thursday, February 14, 2013

Admon De Empresas Sem 10 2B Week 1: Introduce Yourself

Tell us about you.

What's your full name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What do you study?, Do you have any brothers and siters? What are your hobbies, What's your favorite food, drink...etc
Minimum: 5 lines


Anonymous said...


My name is Maricela Ortega Vanegas, I am 26 years old. I work in Sipor and Study Business Administration. I live in Calamares with my parents.
I like to dance salsa, listen to music and go to the shopping.

I am a good person.

See you...

Silvia Sierra said...

Good evening my name is Silvia I. Sierra Arrieta, I am 22 years old, my birthday is June 21'm, Cartagena of citizenship and live in the neighborhood amberes, 3 years ago, I live with my parents Juan Sierra and luzmila Arrieta, I have two brothers who are already married and a sister they have two beautiful children, my favorite hobbies is sleeping, my favorite fruit is the cherry, my favorite drink tangerine juice, I am currently in 10 business administration semester and I'm not working.

silvia sierra.

karen salgado said...

my name is karen salgado Otalvaro, I have 22 years old, my hobbies are listening to music, dancing, my favorite color is red, I was born in the city of Sincelejo, made ​​six years living in Cartagena, in the Carmelo neighborhood, I'm a student business administration, I have three brothers and two sisters. My father's name is Jorge salgado, my mother nilda Otalvaro

keyla mendivil said...

my name is keyla patricia mendivil ortiz, I have 21 years old, I live in the neighborhood las gaviotas with my parents and my brother, I am a student of business administration, my favorite activities are listening to music, watching tv, among others. I really like the salchipapa, my favorite color is purple, my favorite drink is coca cola, not currently working, I consider myself a very temperamental but fun and loving ..

Unknown said...

hello my name is Carlos Gonzalez, I am 25 years old. Live in Cartagena, studied business administration at the tenth semester.
I like a lot of fun. dancing, singing, listening to music, chatting.
I am a very sociable, happy and fun. here I leave some of my thanks .......................

tatiM said...

hi my name is Tatiana Moulthon Orozco,I'm 22 years old ,i'm born in cartagena-colombia,i live in simon bolivar with my parents and my brother . my favorite hobbies are listen to music and dance,my favorite food is fried fish (coastal food). Iam student of business adminsitration. no currently working.
I consider myself a kind, funny, intelligent, loving, and adventurous. I love to travel and see the world.

tecktonik1202 said...

Good evening my name is Oscar Alvarez Daza, i am 22 years old, my birthday is december 2nd; I study business admnistration, i live in Sta Clara.

I like the music, travel; my favorite food is a bandeja paisa and arabian food.

see you then bye....

Anonymous said...

My name is Steffany Rodriguez De Hoyos, I have 24 years old, I'm from Cartagena - Bolivar, Paraguay live in the neighborhood, 10 semester study business administration, I have a brother and sister, my hobbies are watching TV, walking, reading , and play on the computer, my favorite food is spaghetti with milk and chicken, and my favorite drinks are the game tamarind and pineapple, I love cooking and making cakes of all kinds. I like to listen to songs from Ricardo Arjona. I am a very quiet and friendly.

karina rodriguez said...

Hi, good afternoon
My name is Karina Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa; I am 23 year old; I am from Cartagena-Colombia; I live in blas de lezo; I am student the business administration; I have two brothers; I live with mom and dad; my favorite hobby is listening music; my favorite food is French fries with sausage and cheese, mashed potatoes, spaghetti with chicken, I like strawberry juice with milk.
I am very happy
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Anonymous said...

Sandra Campillo said...

Good evening my name is SANDRA MILENA CAMPILLO ESCOBAR am I have 22 years of Córdoba Bolivar, I studied business manager, my family consists of my father, my mother are three sisters and a younger brother.
My favorite pastime is watching movies at home, I love music and dancing. My favorite food is white rice, fried chicken, lentils and sweet plantain slices with a good passion fruit juice.

Anonymous said...

Dairis Cabarcas Lara
My name is Dairis Cabarcas Lara, i am 24 years old. i am from cartagena. i work in "Sociedad Portuaria" ,and i am studing bussiness administration. i live with my parents and my two brothers in "Las Palmeras".
i love dance salsa music and listen all kind of music

Anonymous said...

Hello to all my classmates and teacher.
BARROS ELIANA my nomnbre is, I am Colombian, I live in ARJONA BOLIVAR, I have twenty three years old, I'm the oldest of three children, studied business administration, my favorite color is fuchsia and blue, and my favorite dish is rice chicken, I'm engaged and happy because I will be graduating soon.

Anonymous said...

My name is Angélica María Sáenz. I'm 21 years old, I´m from Cartagena and I live in Chipre neighborhood with my parents.I study environmental engineering. I've two brothers, Jose Francisco, who lives in Italy and Jesus David, who is working in Cúcuta. I like listen to music, read and watch movies. My favorite food is pizza and lasagna, and my favorite drink is passion fruit juice.

CODE: 12128016

Anonymous said...

Hi... my name is Sindy Paola Pérez Nieto;I was born in 1991 on october 11th in Cartagena,I'm 21 years old. I live in San Jose de los Campanos.
I have a sister, her name is Maria Angelica,my father is Julian Pérez and my mother is Dionisia Nieto.I study environmental engineering.I studied at Biffi School, I like to read and to write and I love to share with my family and friends. My favorite drink is lemonade and my favorite food is lasagna.

IX environmental engineering

Anonymous said...

My name is Keynner Fuentes Aguilar. I'm from Colombia. My favorite color is dark blue. I was born in 1992 on November 23th. I am 19 years old. I live in Jardines de San Pedro urbanization with my parents. I Study Environmental Engineering. I have a sister, her name is Kendry and I have a brother, his name is Keiver. I like to travel and to swim in the pool. My favorite food is hot dog and french fries and my favorite drink is orange juice.

Environmental Engineering IX semester. March/20/2013

Anonymous said...


My name is Mauro David Vides Quevedo. I am 22 years old. I am from Talaigua Nuevo, Bolivar. My parents are María and Carlos. I have one brother and two sisters. I study environmental engineering in Fundación Universitaria tecnológico comfenalco. I like Watch Tv and Listen to Music.


adriano capataz said...

my name is adriano capataz cortes . i am 20 years old. i from colombia .i living in the ejecutibos. i live with my father and sister and my dog. i study environmental engineering in fundacion universitaria tecnologico comfenalco.i like watch tv and play game .

Anonymous said...

My name is Elkin Martinez Hoyos;I was born in 1990 on september 17th in Cartagena,I'm 22 years old. I live in San Jose de los Campanos.I study environmental engineering. My father is Santiago Martinez Escalante and my mother is Noemit Hoyos Jerez. I have a brother, his name is Santiago Hoyos.I like to listen to symphonies of saxophone.My favorite food is the ham of pork prepared in oven.Finally I like to share with my friends

IX environmental engineering

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody
My name is Christian Cassiani Gomez, i am 23 years old and I'm from Cartagena Colombia it is a beautiful city. I'm living in the Jardines with my parents one brother and one sister, I'm the more young. I study environmental engineering in Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco, I'm in 9 semestre.
I like make sport, the beach. My favorite food is All when I'm hungry and drink Water panela very very cool in hot day

Christian Cassiani Gomez
9 semestre ingeniería ambiental

Anonymous said...

Hi girls and boys. Mi name is Eliana Lobera Peña. I`m 21 years. I`m from Barranquilla. But now I live in Cartagena with my mon and sister. I study environmental engineering at Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco. In my free time I like do exercise and read a romantics books. My favorite food is the pizza.

Eliana Lobera Peña
Ingeniería Ambiental, IX semestre

Anonymous said...

Hi girls and boys. Mi name is Eliana Lobera Peña. I`m 21 years. I`m from Barranquilla. But now I live in Cartagena with my mon and sister. I study environmental engineering at Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco. In my free time I like do exercise and read a romantics books. My favorite food is the pizza.

Eliana Lobera Peña
Ingeniería Ambiental, IX semestre