Sunday, August 26, 2012

1B (activity 2) ON THE GO

Imagine you are on vacation in a city in your country. send a post card or an e-mail to a friend. write:
  • where you are
  • who else is with you
  • what the city/weather is like
  • what you are doing now


Anonymous said...

August 31, 2012
on Saturday
kathe hi where are you?
I am in Cartagena
such is the climate?
very hot and for that reason I'm here at the beach with some friends until I get the afternoon sun and rest.
and now what do you do?
I am studying in the administration of mercedao teconologico
in that semester going?
I am in sixth semester
and when you come over here to visit?
soon we will
primis greet is good for, see you kisses
chaito good you take care of my aunt greet me.
Katherine Banquez Morales

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2012

Hi! Tania:

I'm at the beach, accompanied by friends.
enjoying a warm day with a little breeze, which
is rare because in these last days in cartagena to state rainy, cloudy,and strong breezes.

Oh by the way, I am studying international business administration at the University Foundation Comfenalco technological, and now I am in fourth semester.
I hope to see you soon, take care!


Diana Paola Lopez Rivera

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2012 hello I'm camille cartagena, the sun was very hot noon, but in the afternoon it rains a lot. I am studying international business administration, I am in fourth semester, I hope you are too. Andrea Miranda

Unknown said...

August 31, 2012

dear friend

hi vivian

It's such a long time since we had any contact. I'm in the Bay of Cartagena with my dog ​​and my mom walk. I write to tell you how is the weather in Cartagena today, good friend is very wet, strong breezes. but did not last long, a half hour back heat.
I look forward to hearing from you soon Take care bye..


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea I am in San Andres Island, that's nice over here, I'm with my family: my brothers, my mom and dad and the weather is nice and cool not hot the sun is hot but I hope that the rich are having a good bye kiss

daniela gordon perez
seccion 1

Unknown said...

Hello Love:

I commented that I'm fine walking
by Bogota with friends. : D

the weather has not helped anything been very rainy cloudy
foggy and the truth is very cold, however we expect
that in the week can be sunny and cool for
walk around and feel some heat ..!

I Love see you soon.!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Maria

Dear friend, I am in the city of Cali during vacation time. I am accompanied by all my family, the weather is warm, is very hot. Right now I'm waiting for my mom to go to the mall.

Bye, take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hugo!
I am in Cartagena. It´s great city with a lot of interesting places. I´m with my friend Ernesto.
The weather like in cartagena is hot, very hot!!!, but is a beautifull city.
I am in the beach now and I´m very happy.

Goodbye, Hugo. Have a nice evening.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hi, carlos
  brother, I tell you that I miss you, hope you are fine with your girlfriend in Bolivia, now I am on vacation in the Bahamas with my brothers and my cousins​​. I tell you right now that the weather is very mild.
will finish to enjoy my vacation and come back to Cartagena for further study.
talk to you soon
By: Mari C!

María Consuelo Olivares Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Hello, I send you greetings from Mother cartagena, I am very happy enjoying my university friends, the weather is very cloudy and humid.
I'm studying right now and available free time and play football.
I hope to see you soon
I send many kisses..
beautiful mother I love you!

Mario Andres Gonzales Zuñiga

Unknown said...

angelica hello, i'm antonio you great friend.
I tell you I'm of vacation in the city of Medellin and is a beautiful city, I'm with my family and we are going super well.
This city has a temperate climate neither hot nor cold.
Now I'm eating a delicious tray paisa.

see you later, bye

Daniela Diaz said...

Hi Mari, I tell you I'm in Cali, I'm on vacation and I find my family, the weather here is very very delicious, windy days. This city is very beautiful scenery, great and fibula are very nice.
I'm resting right now, I'll go out later to know ma places.
I hope that you are well, take care.
Daniela Diaz Osorio

Anonymous said...

Alejandra Payares

August 31- 2012
Hello Jared
I'm in Cartagena with Ludys vacation, the weather is great and sunny, we are on the beach, in two weeks we found.
I hope you're having a good time in France on your tour.
Greetings to your brothers Shannon and Tommo.
Kisses ...!
I love you ..!

ludys said...

August 31, 2012

hi sebas

I hope you are fine I really miss these days i'm Cartagena with joaquin these days the weather has been rainy've been caring for Tom was sick but is now well and hopefully come soon and please bring me a gift lol ¡i love you so much !

I hope your answer

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2012

hello sebas

I hope you are fine I really miss these days i'm Cartagena joaquin these days the weather has been rainy've been caring for Tom was sick but is now well and hopefully come soon and please bring me a gift lol ¡i love youso much !

I hope your answer


Anonymous said...

Hi Sister!
Greetings from Cartagena. It's really sunny here! but is rainy today. So Mom and I wearing rainy clothes. At the moment, we visiting Castillo the Sanfelipe. Some antiques very beautiful, very they are beautiful . Mom takes pictures to show everybody back home. We having a great time here. see you soon!
I love you Sister..!


Unknown said...

Hi dad!
I am in Bogota, Colombia ...
I'm with my best friend caroline ...
what the city / weather is very cold like ...
We visited many museums, parks, churches, shopping centers, nightclubs, restaurants and historical sites ...
Hugs, take are ...
Atte: Jose

Anonymous said...

lina how are you want to say I'm fine I'm going through a super holiday in the city of Santa Marta with my friend Diana'm your sister, this warm climate here is very rich every morning and makes a splendid sun on that beautiful afternoon pink breeze on our cheeks haha this time we are heading to a beautiful island taganga where we enjoy the beautiful calm water,
cuidate girlfriend leave you bye att: karen galindo rivera

Unknown said...

01 September 2012
Hi Mom.
I'm in Montreal / Canada, the climate in the whole year is very humid, but in winter season the days are very cold. As you know I'm staying with my sister, we have fun on weekends only in parks and video games rooms, because the rest of the days I'm working as a developer at Ubisoft. Last night we went to the mall and buy you a gift, I can not say that is because I would not gift lol.

I miss you.

See you in December, I love you.

Emerson Herrera Vasquez.

Unknown said...

September 1, 2012
hello love:
I hope you are well, I tell you that in Cartagena is doing very hot weather and rains in the afternoon, I was a bit sick for the drastic changes in climate. on the other hand I am very happy because I'm finishing my career and start working soon.
I am very happy with my family, we miss you all, hope to see you soon.
I love you, kisses Blessings.
Miriana Julio Munzon

Anonymous said...

Dear jorge,
Greetings from Bogota. It's very cold and rainy.
I'm with my friend Maryangell,
We visited many museums and historical sites.
see you soon.
Diana Valerio

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2012

Dear Friend

Hi,Danna I'm in the Hotel Decameron in San Andres with my sister and my mom. the weather is very hot and cloudy, I'm getting ready to go buy a white hat, a dress and shoes for the beach, where my friends have a party.

San Andres is a beautiful island with great places, food, clothing, and the sea of seven colors. I'll take pictures for you, I have to go.

I Hope to see you in Cartagena

Diana Montero.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2012

Dear Friend

Hi,Danna I'm in the Hotel Decameron in San Andres with my sister and my mom. the weather is very hot and cloudy, I'm getting ready to go buy a white hat, a dress and shoes for the beach, where my friends have a party.

San Andres is a beautiful island with great places, food, clothing, and the sea of seven colors. I'll take pictures for you, I have to go.

I Hope to see you in Cartagena

Diana Montero.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Diana Montero Martinez.

Anonymous said...

hi piter
i ´m in cartagena city is a beautiful,the weather is hot, but, in moment the temperature canges and rain.
i´m with my friends of the university making a activity.
in this moment i´m talking with one friend because the other friends are buying food. in this moment is beginning to rain .

Anonymous said...

hi piter
i ´m in cartagena city is a beautiful,the weather is hot, but, in moment the temperature canges and rain.
i´m with my friends of the university making a activity.
in this moment i´m talking with one friend because the other friends are buying food. in this moment is beginning to rain .

vanesa castellar

Anonymous said...

Congrats. This Blog is very creative.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary ...
I mention that I am in medellin with friends .. walking and exploring the city .. time has not helped much ... the climate is very different from cartagena ... Everyday many rainy and cloudy and very cold truth in the night ... I hope to return soon to continue my carrea logistics management ...

I'll take care

bryan paul bottia m - 10116006

Anonymous said...

Hello edit

sister tell you right now that I am walking with several friends on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil ... course are very nice but the weather the same as cartagena .. ie warm .. are three o'clock in the afternoon and the sun is still hot .. Now at night I'll be visiting the clubs of this city and tomorrow return to my hometown
I send you a kiss and greet ...

Alvaro Herrera cardenas - 10116022

Anonymous said...

Hi diana i invite you to Cartagena to holiday in Cartagena, you commented that the weather is a bit rainy and hot at the same time ... i invite you to spend a great holiday to finally already nearly finished my studies and technology in the technological ico Comfenalco not being more tea i hope pa spend holidays with sun, sand beach and i love you i hope you ... !

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea

Sister, how are you, hope fine.
I guess that makes you a warm climate, I tell you that here in the city of Cartagena're on rainy days, though at times it is very sunny and quite warm, exactly why city kids have used to go flying kite if you could see the sky as seen from the stone yard, looks super good!
Imagine that I am now in 7th semester of business administration and it's going very well. I want to see.
We miss you, the whole family awaits soon as we have many eager to see you.



Jessica Alejandra Alvarado Reales

Anonymous said...

hi... marie
hope you are fine when you receive this postcard, the truth is that I miss you a lot and they wanted you to know I'm on vacation in Santa Marta..
I escurcion in snow closes with some friends and we are having excellent, I tell you that it's hot in the sea is extraordinary but when unso up in the mountains that makes a cold or to tell you we have taken many photos with many groups Indians..
Now I'm writing this post on site, in maintainance go to a disco in the city center
att.. you friends gabriel quiroz

juan carlos montiel said...

hello my love, I send a big hello, I'm in San Jacinto bolivar. I visit your parents, I'm with your brothers and sister, I love this town, the climate is similar to Cartagena, it's winter, the weather is cloudy now, and at dawn it's a little cold. right now I'm in a house with your dad, we are buying two cows.
I hope you are having a good time in Cartagena.
Greetings to my family, back with you next week.

bye ... Juan Carlos Montiel

Anonymous said...

hello how are you you talking carlos jose diaz am currently in Brazil I'm visiting beautiful places to conpañado of my pretty girlfriend the truth is that is very hot while we're on the beach at this point I'm getting my girlfriend she blocker is here the truth is that Brazil is very beautiful

Anonymous said...

I am in Bogota, hello mother , I'm with my friend nubia the city exploring
Were in sipaquira in the cathedral of the salt, the climate is cold though
by time There is some sun.merlyruiz

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'am Manuel Rodriguez Peña

I'm at the movies with my girlfriend and some friends are watching a scary movie, it is night in the city of Cartagena and the climate inside and outside the film is cold and very cool

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack and David, I hope you are right on the coast, I find myself happy holiday in the city of Bogota with my parents, the weather here is very cold at night even more by icy winds, this city is large many malls and places to see, now I'm in an amusement park called adventure is very diverttido world, when we come to know you, take care, bye
att: Hansel Giuseppe Rengifo Correa


After five days in Yopal-Casanare city with my son. The weather like the city is very hot, sunny today and very boiling hot. It´s beautiful , we are visiting a parents and on vacations . Now we are watching tv and eating pizza.

Anonymous said...

Hello Diego!!
i'm in the beatiful city of miami whit muy sister Diana and her baby. we are on vacations and buying somethings very cute.The weather like is boiling hot, sonny and humid.
i'm walking around the beach whit my sister and drinking a soda. we are wearing swimsuit and hat. We invite you.
bye bye, kiss...
att..Claudia Marcela García Ramos

Anonymous said...

Hello Mom, I am in the island of san andres with my boyfriends and some friends, the weather like is very hot, humid, sometimes is rainy and cloudy. we are now swimming in the beach watching corals and after we eat lobster.
bye mom, you
att: your favorite daughter

Anonymous said...

my full name is yesid de avila gomez
Dear Mom, this is to tell you that I love you and I am in the Amazon and I'm with my brother enri I commented that we are well we greet other family members and tell them to arrive soon

Anonymous said...

hi mom

I hope you're well
I am in Medellin with my friends from university, they are good people, we are going about Us excellent this trip, we know the ciuadad about Us, culture and sightseeing
see u

oscar mauricio vargas ahumada

Anonymous said...

hi sister

I hope you're well
I am in rioacha with my friends from university, they are good people, we are going about Us excellent this trip, we know the city about Us, culture and sightseeing.


leider carreazo estremor

Anonymous said...

hi tatiana

i mis u
I hope you're well
I am in sau paulo with my friends from barranquilla, they are excelent people, we are going about Us excellent this trip, we know the city about Us, culture and sightseeing.


jose blanco blanco