Sunday, August 19, 2012


Tell us about you.

What's your full name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What do you study?, Do you have any brothers and sisters? What are your hobbies, What's your favorite food, drink...etc
Minimum: 5 lines


Anonymous said...

Teacher this is very important for our fomation, avery body can write at you, we are doing the homework and learning speak and write english. bye bye, see you later...
Atte. CVega

Unknown said...

hello, my name is Miriana Julio Munzon, I´m 20 years olds, I`m from cartagena, colombia. I live with my parents and my two sisters.
my hobbies are listening to Christian music, read the Bible, go to church.
I like hanging out with my boyfriend. I am a student of Systems Engineering,10 semester course, in the Tecnologico Comfenalco.

Daniela Diaz said...
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Unknown said...

My name is Libia de la rosa Saldarriaga. I’m 20 years old. I’m from Colombia. I live in Calamares. I’m a student of business international. I’m one brother. My hobby is play basketball. My favorite food is Chicken rice

Unknown said...
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Daniela Diaz said...

Hello, My name is Daniela Diaz Osorio, I'm 18 yeras old.
I'm from is Colombia. I live in Bruselas, I’m a student of business international. I'm two brothers.
My hobby is watch tv. My favorite food is burger.

lilibeth0210 said...
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lilibeth0210 said...

hello my name is lilibeth hidalgo i'm 18 years old, I'm from Cali Colombia.I am a student of international business. my favorite sport is basketball

Unknown said...

hello, my name is Diana Paola Lopez Rivera, I'm 17 years old. I'm from Cartagena, Colombia.
I am a business administration student admissions.
I like listening to music, chat, watch TV, go out with my friends, and sports. I practice basketball.

Ladys Beleño said...

Hi !
My Name IS Ladys Beleño, I'm 18 Years old. I'm from Colombia, I live Bruselas. I'm a Student of business international.
I'm two Brothers, my hobby is Listening to music.
My favorite food is hot dog

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Kelly, my last name is Infante Guzman, i'm 25 years old, my favorite hobby is dance.
I'm live cartagena neighbohood the Alpes. I'm like hangingout with herfriends to speack.I'm assistant accountant.


Anonymous said...

my name is paul bryan Bottia martinez, I´m 25 years olds... I`m from cartagena, colombia... I am a student of Logistics Management semester VI ... One of my hobbies is listening hip hop Muscia ...

bryan paul bottia martinez 10116006 admon logistica VI

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello! My name is ludys solorzano I’m 18 years old and im from Cartagena I study business international and . I have two sisters and one borther, I like listening music , paint and hanging out with my friends my favorite food is hot dogs
Im good at painting and desingnig.

Anonymous said...

My name is Alejandra Payares Table, I have nineteen years'm from Cartagena - Colombia, I have two brothers, currently studying International Business Administration, my hobbies are listening to music and hanging out, my favorite food is chicken rice, my favorite sport is soccer .
Thanks ..! : D

Anonymous said...

hello my name is laura aguilar , I´m 18 years olds, I´m a only child and I´m from cartagena colombia. I like lisent to music,eat candys, and I love italian food. I study at comfenalco university business management and I hope to have successs in my career.

Laura aguilar castilla

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Jorge Leon Franco. I´m 18 years old, I'm from cartagena - Colombia. I live in Daniel Lemaitre. I'm a student of Business Intenational. I'm two Brothers. My Hobbie is go to the Beach with the Friends.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, my name is Emerson Herrera Vasquez, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Cartagena/Bolivar, studied computer engineering X semester and I like it because software development this is one of my favorite hobbies.

Anonymous said...

my name is gabriel erenesto quiroz lopez, I have 21 years, i where you from is cartagena colombia,i live in zaragocilla av. consulado,i study in tecnologico comfenalco,i have a sister a brother, my hobbies is play soccer,
my favorite food is chicken rice and shrimp and my favorite drink is oats
att. gabriel quiroz lopez

Anonymous said...

my name is diana marcela montero martinez, I am 18 years old , I live with my parents and two sisters in cartagena, I like the color blue, my weather station prefered is the winter, my place prefered is on the beach, my hobbies is listen romantic music,nowadays I am studying business, in the future I wanna to be a big professional .

Anonymous said...

hello my name is danna Marcela Chacon cucuta'm Norte de Santander, I am a very respectful and estrobertida, my favorite color is blue and love shopping at the mall and eat ice cream with raspberry ... thanks ...!

Anonymous said...

hello, my name is Jennifer Mendez'm student financial management in technological Comfenalco I have 19 years and am very interested in learning English with the help of all of you think it might be possible.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Carolina Jimenez Cardona, I am 21 years old, I am from Cartagena, Colombia.
I am a student of financial management, in 4 semester course.

Anonymous said...

Hello; my name is Katerin Barrera
i´m from San Onofre Sucre.
I study marketing management.
I´m 23 years old.
I live in los Caracoles.
my favorite colors are is blue and red.
i like movies, music and sports

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello! ♥ '
My name is Gisella forbes, I have 19 years of life
But I lost her father loved my mother ♥
I'm from San Andres Island Where Bailo calypso As Rondong
and Micfok is the best, I live near the Castellana
International Business Study, I have 4 Sisters 1 Brother
My hobby is traveling and dancing.! I really like Coconut Rice With Fish
and Patacones.! I'm a little crazy but fun.! (:

Anonymous said...

My name is Jessica Alejandra Alvarado Reales, I'm from Cartagena - Bolívar, I have 20 years, I am in 7th semester of business administration at the University Foundation Tecnologico Comfenalco outgoing, I love to dance and listen to music.
I am very attentive and a love of life. ♥

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hello, my name is Diana Marcela Valerio Velasquez, I'm 19 years olds, I'm from Cartagena, Colombia,I live with my parents and my two sisters.
I am a student of Logistics Management, in the Tecnologico Comfenalco. My hobbies is listen romantic music.

manuel rodriguez said...

hello, my name is manuel rodriguez I have 26 years old, I am student of 4 semester financial management of the University Foundation Night technological Comfenalco live in the neighborhood Luis Carlos Galan, I'm not currently working, I have two brothers and a sister live with my brothers and my mother

Anonymous said...

hi! my names is katherine banquez morales and from colombia.
im 20 years olds and im a student, my favorite sport is quitbill my dream is to become administradora de mercadeo. my brother, liseth, is 12 and shi very goot at quitboll.

katherine Banquez Morales.

Anonymous said...

hello my name is omar pedroza martelo I have 21 years old
control study plants and industrial processes. I'm from Cartagena, Bolivar
I love listening to music. I like anything that has to do with cars and motorcycles. my favorite color is black and I love to study and learn every day.

Unknown said...

Hello my name is Antonio Paternina Cardenas, i'am 20 year old, I am a student of six semester systems, I'm very respectful, I'm from Corozal sucre,I play drums and I hope to learn a lot in this English course

Anonymous said...

hello my name is david omar Pedroza, angelica told me that you come for a holiday here in Bogota Stand tall I tell you that the weather is very varied but most days it is very cold and raining and others not far behind the few days of warmth ... imagine that study and control of industrial process plants I love my career ... well angelica hope you come soon I miss you much ... take care and hope you ...!


hello my name is danna chacon diana rodriguez ... told me that property for a holiday here enbucaramanga Stand tall I tell you that the weather is very varied but most days it is very cold and raining and others not far behind the few days of warmth ... imagine I study international Business Administration I love my career ... well hope you come soon target miss you much ... take care and hope you ...!

juan carlos montiel said...

Juan Carlos Montiel ...
Professor Hugo good morning, my name is Juan Carlos Montiel. I have 21 years, I'm from sincelejo sucre. Cartagena Bolivar live, study logistics management, I have a sister and a brother, I like sports, fishing, music and hanging out with my friends, my favorite food is roast chicken and fries. Also fish and plantains. I like the soda, malt, beer, and tea Drinks.

Chao classmates and teacher, I hope you like.

Anonymous said...

hello my name is jose diaz I have 23 years and systematic study accounting, I like the rumba meet people eating out'm a cheerful guy and very sincere humble simple hate lies and fake people my favorite color is green, my favorite food is Carbon flesh I like girls who are pretty simple personality t live in love with them

CLAS seems very interesting and entertaining teacher is very educational and fun I think is a good person and does a excellent job

well I have a happy termination day bye

Anonymous said...

Hello I am Hansel Giuseppe Rengifo Correa, I'm from Bogota Cundinamarca, I live in a town named San Antero in cordodova, I currently live in Cartagena for college, study in the university foundation, technological Comfenalco marketing management, live in a boarding house with my brother, live in the center, in the district of san diego Garden Street near the walls , I am very happy, and believe in God, and I like to study, my hobbies are listen to music, played soccer, and talk on the phone, greetings to all, I see in class.


My name is Esmeralda, I have 40 years old, I from Bogotá, I live in Cartagena with my family, I´ m student Administration Financier fourth semester in technology Comfenalco. I work in downtown with administrate assistant, I have a son his name is Juan Camilo, He has 8 years old, he is student. I have green eyes, castaño hair. I am thin. My hobbies are watch Tv, sleep, and dance. my favorite colors are blue and green.

Anonymous said...

Hi!! i am Claudia Garcia Ramos, i am 23 years old, i live in cartagena. i am stady business administration in 8th semester. i very very like my career. my hobby is do aerobics and dance. i like read and wolk. bye see you later....

Unknown said...

Hello, My full name is Tania Menco Hernandez, I am 22 years old, I am from magangue,i live in cartagena, I am studing administration , i am three sisters and one brother, my hobbies is shopping. my favorite food is the fish and my favorite drink are the natural juices.

Maira Coneo de avila said...

Hi!, my full name is maira alejandra coneo deavila, I am 24 years old, Iam from cartagena-colombia, I live with my parents and my brothers, I am a business management student,IV semester course, in the university foundation technological comfenalc.o

Anonymous said...

hello, my name is alvaro herrera rafael cardenas, I have 19 years old, I'm from Cartagena, Colombia, I live with my mother and my brother.
I am a student of Logistics Management in the Technological Comfenalco currently sixth semester course on the day of the morning.
Alvaro Herrera cardenas 10116022

Anonymous said...

my full name is yesid gomez avila, I have 24 years old and from Cartagena Colombia, I have 3 brothers and a daughter who is 2 years old I like salsa music'm studying Accounting, and I want to be the best public accountant.

Ebonyamci said...

Hello, my name is Carolina Jimenez Cardona, I am 21 years old, I am from Cartagena, Colombia. I am a student of financial management, in 4 semester course.

Anonymous said...

My name is oscar mauricio vargas ahumada, I'm 19 years old, I'm from colombia and live in Cartagena with my family, I´ m study industrial production i'm going to 5 semester in the technology Comfenalco.

oscar vargas ahumada

Anonymous said...

My name is leider carreazo estremor, I'm 21 years old, I'm from colombia, I'm live in Cartagena with my family, I´ m study industrial production I am in sixth semester in the technology Comfenalco.

Leider carreazo estremor

Anonymous said...

My name is jose blanco blanco, I'm 19 years old, I'm from colombia, I'm live in Cartagena with my family, I´ m study industrial production I am in sixth semesterin the technology Comfenalco, My hobby is going to the stadium

jose blanco blanco