Tuesday, October 4, 2011

DESCRIPTIONS T.A.N.I SEM4 SECC5 Saturdays 9:15 AM. Activity 3

Describe someone from your family, friends o favorite famous person using the words from page 21 in the book: what are they like?


gabriel quiroz lopez said...

Marcela Quiroz dania lopez is very small at times can not reach the top of the fridge and asks for my help I'm a little high, my brother kevin hates clowns and my potatoes but all are characterized by being very kind,
Pope comes sometimes when my work gets heavy and entrovertido but ultimately we are all happy

norledis urbina correa said...

My father is respectfully honestly and amicably with the persons but especially with my family

arlon david arrieta perez said...

My nephew daniel jose smoked arrieta is the dear mas of my family is special he likes the dinosaurs it is an exelente student realizes his tasks and he is charmed with the football

Sylvana Espinosa Arellano said...

my dad is very funny, friendly, painful and very serious in everything he does.
the excellent father, his physique is thick and is also high, is very handsome and good person.

Laura Barros said...

My mother Claudia is thin, small, beautiful, serious and understanding. She´s really friendly, lovely and talkative.


Santiago Hernandez is my younger cousin, is small and very happy, not if you like clowns but you like the dinosaurs that carlos daniel igualk another cousin is higher. My aunt monica is cheerful, high and thick, my aunt brenda is nice and my aunt Sandra is friendly. We are a family with errors but united and happy.

Anonymous said...


Gabriel is my younger brother, has 18 years, is wrestling sport practiced with the selection bolivar is very cheerful and fun. Study at the University of Pamplona physical education.

Anonymous said...

Weing Sue is one of my best friends, I really admire her. She's thin, is very pretty, is short, but she's really friendly, talkative and funny.

Kelly Altamar said...

Laura is really friendly, sometimes she's a little serious, she's also thin and very funny, and she's talkative. And because all of that, she's my best friend

Kelly Avila said...

Andrea is very funny, But She Makes bad jokes, she is very Serious Even in her works. Also she's friendly and talkative.

Hannia Rivera said...

Fabian is really tall, handsome, talkative, he's really friendly, serious and funny. I love his personality and I admire him a lot.

Eliza.. said...

My mom: Her name is Isabel, she is very smart. I really admire her, because she is a hardworking person, she works all day. She is outgoing and easygoing, I have realized that she is very friendly. I love my mom.

Yina Alejandra Marrugo Sosa said...

Mi mother jacqueline is very beauty, and very pretty, she is small, His eyes and his hairs are of black color, she likes the music vallenata, It is very good, tender and responsible.

Ray Lorduy Gonzalez said...

My full name is Raymundo Lorduy gonzalez, i live in cartagena, my parents and my brothers with, i like to be responsible and past my time doing important Things like be with my family, friends and study for the future. I also like going to the movies listening to music, I am cheerful and friendly.

Carlos tous said...

my mother is a person with great cultural knowledge that helps people without expecting anything in return, she is focused on what he wants, very social and very entrepreneurial-minded to it and when I owe everything we discussed are political issues.

Emanuel Herrera Ozuna said...

Hola a todos
Mi primo se llama Luis carlos, tiene 12 años, es muy corto en comparacion con su hermano, el cual es muy tall. Tiene una hermana que es muy linda y es envidiada por sus amigas, pero tiene un problema, ella le teme a los payasos y cuando los ve se pone seria y rabiosa

Deiber Salgado said...

My daughter is a very nice, very naughty, he likes to go to school and do all your chores and school, is intelligent and very well behaved while his mom and I work


hello teacher

My father is a very focused its activities is a very social person whenever I see is the image of children while playing with me today is different today I like to develop further its capacity in terms of the mechanics that has always been called attention and want to increase their knowledge


hello teacher

my mother is a teacher likes to have talks on economic issues it is enterprising, develops much knowledge is essential and a kind person with desire to succeed and succeed in life

anderson cardona palencia said...

PAOLA is my cousin,she is tall and a little fat, I like her personality because she is really friendly, pretty and funny,some people said that she looks like a movie star and I agree with that!