Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How many people are there in your family? T.A.N.I SEM4 SECC5 Saturdays 9:15 AM: activity 2

Tell us about your family members? who are your parents and brothers? where do they live? what do they do?



I live in my house with three aunts, an uncle, two cousins ​​and a dog.
In my three aunts are both housewives and a self-employed. My uncle is a decorator and designer logistics of all kinds of occasions and my two cousins ​​studied.
Country live in the neighborhood less than 5 months, we are a struggling family and wanting to succeed every day.

Anonymous said...

My family members are four, my father Huber Mendoza, who work as an Insurance Consultant; my younger brother Kevin Mendoza Olmos, who is in High School; my mother Mary Luz Olmos that work as a secretary; and as last one, me (Andrea Mendoza Olmos). We all live together in the same house

Sylvana Espinosa Arellano said...

my family is made up of my mom called her Ana Arellano is a bilingual secretary, my father called Vilfredo Espinosa is a public accountant, my sister called her Laura Espinosa studied at the Colegio La Nueva Esperanza is in grade 9 and myself Espinosa Sylvana study the Fundacion Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco IV Semester International Business Administration.
We live in Turbaco in Urb la Cruz.

Belkis Florian Garcia said...

I have a small family consists of my father and two brothers. My dad called Emel Florian, and is a vigilant; my mother is named Elsy Garcia and is a nurse; my sister Bleydis who is the eldest, studied nursing, and my brother Breiner, who is the youngest, is in school; and I am Belkis, the second among the brethren, and all live in Villagrande of India.

Ray Lorduy Gonzalez said...

I live in my house with my parents, brothers and aunt, where my mother is housewife, my dad is retired and likes to drive the taxi, my brother and my sister Works Studied,since birth I have always lived in the neighborhood Blaz de Lezo.

danilo buitrago said...

in my family from my mother are five brothers, four women and one man, and the family from my father are five brothers, and all are men, my nucleus family main, is formed for three persons, my bhother, my mother and me.
I have a fifteen cousins, and y have two grandmothers. my dad lives in another house

att danilo buitrago 08112159

Zully Blandon Garcia said...
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kelly avila said...

many of us in my family but my mom live with me, she called VALENZUELA MARIA is a housewife and self-employed, my grandmother, her name is Juan Arrieta is a housewife, my sister called melanised neighborhoods studied in daycare, a cat and me. live in the neighborhood the Sierrita over 30 years ago in their own house, my family was one of the founders of the neighborhood.

kelly avila said...

many of us in my family but my mom live with me, she called VALENZUELA MARIA is a housewife and self-employed, my grandmother, her name is Juan Arrieta is a housewife, my sister called melanised neighborhoods studied in daycare, a cat and me. live in the neighborhood the Sierrita over 30 years ago in their own house, my family was one of the founders of the neighborhood.

Laura Barros said...

My family is formed by my father Winston, my mom Claudia, my two brothers Juan and Winston, my younger sister Mary and me. We live in El Eden urbanization. my father is business manager and works in Colchones el Dorado. My mom is a teacher and works in Comfenalco and my little brothers studying at Comfenalco school.

Maria Esther Herrera Gordon said...

Hi Friends, Well in my family we are five: first is my dad Heber Herrera who worked in the army and now he is retired, second is my mom Amira Gordon she's housewife, then there's my eldest brother Harvis Herrera he's mariner army like my dad, also is my second brother Ever Herrera he's systems engineering student and finally me Maria Herrera and we all live together

Hannia Rivera said...

My family members that live with me are six, My mom Norbelina Lugo who is pensioner of the court (Judicial branch), My sister Laura Rivera who is bacteriologist, My brother Jhonatan who is Chef, my two nieces Oprah Angel and Millah and me (Hannia Rivera).

Anonymous said...

I live in my home with my brother (John Rhenals), who is a student, my father (Fernando Rhenals) working in a big company and my mother (Evis Hoyos) is a housewife, they are all good people and are part of my life Att: Renzo Rhenals

Renzo Rhenal said...

I live in my home with my brother (John Rhenals), who is a student, my father (Fernando Rhenals) working in a big company and my mother (Evis Hoyos) is a housewife, they are all good people and are part of my life Att: Renzo Rhenals

gabriel quiroz lopez said...

Lopez Quiroz family is composed by my father Gabriel Quiroz lopez, lopez vega Miladis my mother I am the oldest son Gabriel Lopez Quiroz, Quiroz my amrcela Ehrman dania lopez and finally my brother kevin andres lopez Quiroz Zaragocilla currently live, mui somo round our house together in happiness and elegria, my parents currently working intoaccount and my brothers and I study and believe in progress as a means to our future.