Thursday, May 1, 2008

English 5 Activity 6 My character 2

what did your character do yesterday?


StefiPaola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
StefiPaola said...

!WOW!!! I can't believe it!!!
I put the first comment in the blog!!!, jejejeje

Yesterday wasn't a normal day for Natasha Brown. Usually she gets up at five o'clock, but the night before she forgot turn on the alarm clock, for this reason she got up at 6:30. She took a fast shower,got dressed and she didn't have time to have breakfast. She left home at 7:10, and she came to the university at 7:15, and the teacher didn't allow that she came to the class because he had started the class. She had to wait her next class. When she went to her apartment to have lunch, there was nobody and she found a note that saied that one of her friends (Annie) had had an accident, an she had to go to the hospital inmediately. When she came to the hospital she asked her friends how was Annie and they told them that was out of danger and that she went to be home in the afternoon. She was all afternoon in the hospital and came home at 9 o'clock, called her parents and she went to sleep.
Stefany Alvarado Arroyo

Anonymous said...

Hi hugo....
Yesterday, nicole owen got up very early because she had a singing audition . Usually she gets up at 8:00 am but yesterday she got up at 6:00am. When she finished her audition went to her boyfriend to tell him about it. Then she had to go to the university to pick up a note from her finance class. When she was there she met with her best friend Lina because they had a work to do. Nicole told her about the audition and said that she was very nervous but at the same time very happy because she did very good.
At night, Nicole and her boyfriend went to celebrate at a restaurant, she had a really nice time. Then they went had to go back to her house early because her grandmother got sick.

Lapecosarebelde said...

For Rosario, yesterday was a normal Saturday, because she got up at 12:30 P.M, she took a shower and left home with her parents for took lunch, after they visited some friends and finaly they went to their house.

Rosario, recived a call from her friends to invite her to fish on the beach, at night they went to casino, Rosario won US$ 500, and decided invite her friends drunk some beers, she arrived at 2:30 A.M and her mother was waiting, and she was punished all week, because she was drunk, and promised never again to drink

Anonymous said...

Cantacio Prudencio Zapata Gomez is an administrator in a copiers industry. Yesterday, he had a very busy day, because he had to deliver 50 copiers to his best client and he had only 40 in the facility. He usually wakes up at 7 am and goes to work at 8 am but, because he had to deliver so many copiers and to pump the production, he woke up at 6am to be in the facilities at 7. His wife Euclides, made breakfast at 6:30, but he was in a hurry so he couldn’t had a very good breakfast, he usually eats fried eggs, toasts, jam, cheese and orange juice. Yesterday he only could eat two toasts and the juice. When he arrived at the office, Castacio argued with the operators because from the 40 copiers, they only mounted on the truck 20 and the delivery had to be made at 8. He had to call his client and ask for more time to deliver the copiers that he could give him at least until 11 with the excuse that he had other deliveries. The client didn’t take it easily but accepted. So at 11:30 the 50 copiers were ready and delivered. Because of that, Castacio was very tired and went home for lunch, and took the rest of the day free.

Unknown said...

hi HUGO this is my story

yesterday carolina got up at 6:30 o´clock because she had to make a finance work for the the class.
she usually gets up at 9:00.
she got up an make her breakfast and took a Bath.
after that she started to study.
she finished her work at 10:30 and went to the college.
after take her classes she had lunch with her friends in a small restaurant near from the university. she ate a delicious chicken rice.
then she came back to her house and she slept until 6:00.
her mother got up at that time because she had to dinner.
she was tired so she came back to her bed and slept all the night.

Anonymous said...

yesterday was a good day for Daisy Mendez. usually she gets up at 7:00 am., but testerday she got up at 10:00 because his boss gave him the day off, she did a good job in the company.

she decided to relax and go to a spa after that she was shopping with her sister and then went to the cinema, the movie wasnt good and decided to go to eat pizza, they arrived at home at 9.00 pm.

Anonymous said...

Irina Marrugo Guardo said:

Yesterday, MARÍA ANGEL CAPRIANNI got up at 5 a.m. like every day, and then she went to the gym at 6:30 a.m. Later, at 9:00 a.m. she went to the university to her maths classes and did her final exam and she was terrific on it. She finalized classes at 4 p.m. More over, she went to her work from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The restaurant was prety full because her mom actualized the menu, and the people liked the changes and since that, the place had became more popular. After work, she dated whit her boyfriend and went to the movie teather. They watched "Iron-man the movie" and it was very cool. Later she went to her house, took a shower, she studied for a half hour and then she went to sleep

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was a normal day for RioFerdinand. Usually he gets up at 5:30 am and has classes at the 7:00 am but yesterday he had classes at the 10:00 am well he got up at 8:30 am.
He took a fast shower, got dressed and he did have time to have a breakfast that your father prepare for him and your sister.
He had your time of lunch at the 12:00 m and he took the meal of the restaurant of your university.

when he went to your house he studied and he talked with your girlfriend always if not he visited your girlfriend.

he sleeped at the 10:00pm and this was a normally day for Rio.

Anonymous said...

Two days ago evening was an evening complicated for Adriana. Her cousin Sandra will got married that night with Jorge and Adriana wasn’t bought the dress and shoes; she just had two hours for get really because she will been the godmother and had help the girlfriend.
Adriana need settled the hair too; she was worried because wasn’t enough.
She went to three places of shopping. It took one hour. Then was to Sandra’s house where a stylist help her to settled, dressing, makeup and combed. Finally she got ready at time for help to Sandra with the rest of preparatives.
That was a fabulous married.