Sunday, April 13, 2008

English 3 Activity 9 PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE

Write about the past,present and future of your City or whatever city you would like to speak about.


julio said...

Cartagena used to be a city whith a few buildings, also there was too much pollution and the infrastructure was too weak, in my city there not used to be many 5 stars hotels. also in cartagena there were many fights among street boys from differnt places of the city, according to this situation, people used to stay home. Nowadays in cartagena the fights among street boys have gone down, there are much more buildings and hotels (about 54), there are more tourists than before, people goes out more frecuently and because of the security of our city has going up, people feels more safe in the streets. in the future cartagena will be bigger than now, and because of the many constructions there are nowadays, the city will have more comercial centers, bigger malls, and new neighborhoods and more places to share with our family and friends.


Anonymous said...

In the past Cartagena not had the modernization like that we do not have nowadays habia cellular i-pod etc either. In these days Cartagena like Colombia happening for a period of modenization already there is major quantity of cellular of high range, portable, i-pods etc. Twenty years for now Colombia and Cartagena must have a major modernization because there are enough projects to improve the life of the man as for example apartments with technology touch screem, portable with memory of up to 500GB i-pods of 50GB and many other things.

William Rafael Perez Salcedo
Cod. 0714016

Anonymous said...

In Cartagena thirty years ago, people walked everywhere, the transport was very scarce and many people that had money used to railroads and ocean liners for to be carried away. Before the automobile people didn´t travel as much from city to city. Before there were supermarkets people used to shop at small stores.

A few years ago in my city the communications was the telephone and the postal system, because the technology was less outpost.
People used to employ the free time to listening the news in the radio or seeing movies.

Nowadays in Cartagena, people drive their cars instead, today people shop at supermarkets,these days the communications are the cell phones and e-mail, people use computers and televisions all the time, also the population is growing so fast.

In the future in Cartagena, people are going to use cars even more, in thirty years, people might buy groceries by computer, soon there will be a lot of shopping malls, people might to communicate for video phones and there will probably be cities in space.

Karen Sofia Gonzalez Alarcon
Code: 07-16-025
Group: F

Anonymous said...

This cartagena city declared Historical Heritage, Art and Culture of Humanity by UNESCO in 1985, is the scene of the history of both the old and the new world for 460 years.
During 32 years after its discovery 1501, Cartagena Bay remained in the hands of their rightful owners: the Indians calamarí group Karib, Caribs called by the Spaniards.

But once Pedro de Heredia founded the city called Cartagena del Poniente, to differentiate it from the lift Cartagena, Spain, began a history of heroic sacrifices and endless battles.

The advantage of being protected port and bay of the winds and breezes made it to his glory and disgrace, in the fortress where he kept the treasures of America to send Europe.

In a few years, the houses were transformed into pajizas stone constructions alternated with wood. But this was not enough to stop the ambitions materialistic, larger than the treasures stored here.

Pirates and corsairs, countries with military power as England, Italy and France, rebuscadores gold in the end, the attacking permanently.
jennifer monsalve maturana 0514031

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Jhorland...
Twenty years ago, there was not too much pollution in Cartagena, cause of the lot of cars that there are nowadays. the climate in this town has been hot always but these days, it is terrible. If the temperature continues inceasing as nowadays, soon, people could not living in Cartagena, because the hot climate could cook them.

Anonymous said...

in the past cartagena we have a beautiful city without pollution and contamination, nowdays with the modernization we have a lot of problems with the pollution. a years ago people used to walk everywhere, today there are too many cars and the pollution increase. these days with the buildings and the restaurants we have a easier life but with a high cost. people used to comunicate with letters and they talked in person, nowdays we have cellphones, the internet and others ways for comunicating. in the future i don`t want to imaginate in what level of modernization we`ll be, and the pollution is going to increase more and more......

stephanie jimenez

Anonymous said...

ten years a go there weren`t mototaxis in carteagena, people used to walk enought.Some times they had to pay very expensive to take a taxi. if some body was late to work he/she had to wait for a taxi. nowadays there are too many mototaxis, so .people save time . if you are late ¡don`t worry¡ you can take one. Arond five years there will be fewers taxis and buses in the city. MARLON CRUZ.TOOO17912


Cartagena 10 years ago was a small town and today is a big city with a great vision for the future.
Cartagena in the future will be a city many more tourists and obviously a very expensive city.

Unknown said...

In the past, cartagena was a city with very large houses with colonial styles, they wore with long dresses, there was black and white tv, they used to congregated in places.
Nowadays all is changing more and more; people live in very modern buildings, we wear short and confortable clothes, and we use all the technologics advances as the computer, cell-phone, i-pod, usb memories, etc. Today there is shopping centers, internet,luxury cars, among many things. In 10 years cartagena would have more advances than we have just rigth now, for example maybe the food would be asking by internet, the apartments maybe would be intelligents (they would be able to do all chores with a sound or a word), the cars would be faster than they are today, etc.
katherine campo fuentes
od 0711040

Anonymous said...

In Cartagena 516 years ago with colon hiso descubriemiento that with the new continent called America since then were met with a caribbean region dode cartagena place was inhabited by Indians but the Spaniards as long aprovecharce all riquesas who were at that location murayas and began to build castles that protegiras the riquesas and as needed laborers were looking for blacks who were afrinana nationality, that is why Cartagena is a colonial city
Now this city gosa of tourism and is much loved by all the inhabitants of the country and in a foturo became one of the best places in india katherine peña torres T00018044

Alejandro Salgado Baldovino said...


FIRST, in the past, Cartagena was a colonial city, and was a very rich city. Cartagena was cleaner and there wasn´t a lot of hotel...

PRESENT, Cartagna is currently one of the most importants cities in Colombia, but there are many cars, and many problems like pollution, violence,etc...

FUTURE, Cartagena will be the most important city in Colombia and will be a Bussiness Center of the country and in the world... probably with Transcaribe the traffic will down.

Alejandro Salgado B.

Anonymous said...

hello hugo
Cartagena used to be a little town urbanized city, there was little transport and thanks to this little contamination. nowadays Cartagena is a very large city with many buildings, with a bad transport system, and a great social inequalityays, soon,if we'll do not act quickly cartagena not be very good because it is a social pressure cooker.

vanessa angulo carvajal
group F

Anonymous said...

At the time of colonization, was elected barrancabermeja by spaniards, because in that town the Indians had large quantity of gold and thas way they were victims of explotation. Then, there was the time where they found this oil, came foreign from europe and North America, then was formed as the largest oil refinery in colombia, the port was packed with numbers of women prostitutes in the amount of money being handled in the city.

In the present this refinery is the most important generating work in the city, also as a city with the magdalena's river, reaches a fair amount of trade and people come to enjoy a feast of fish Bocachico.

For the future I believe that the city will continue to grow as it is in a strategic place in the magdalenas means and human quality of its people.

Barrancabermeja, warm embrace of colombia, city daughter of the sun.

Anonymous said...

Hello Hugo!!!

In the past, Cartagena was a beautiful city because there was not pollution.the city used to have fewer big cars and fewer hotels.

Nowadays,is one of the most important cities of Colombia by tourism and its infrastructure but There is a lot of poverty and the problems of discrimination, sexual abuse, unemployment, child prostitution among others.

Soon, the city will have more social problems, Increase the pollution and Few families may escape poverty.

Heidi Urueta Rangel

Anonymous said...

Hello teacher

10 year ago in Cartagena only the rich had a movil phone. Today many people have a movil phone. Soon the movil phone will be a personal computer, many people will used.


Anonymous said...

Hi teacher!!

In the past Cartagena was a very small city and it had less public transportation. Today Cartagena is more big and it has too much air pollution and too much public transportation.
Soon Cartagena will a organize city and it will have less social problems.
CODE T00017779

Anonymous said...

well, five hundred years ago Cartagena used to be one of the most important port in the continent. There, many people used to do trades with the african´s people. nowadays, Cartagena is still an important port, but, today the things are different because we trade merchandises. In the future, the cartagena´s people expect that their city get convert as one of the most developed cities in Colombia, and better off his social indicators.


Unknown said...

In the past, cartagena was a colonial city founded by spanish....Cartagena used to be like a little town but our ubication helped us a lot...
at 70´s. People used to hear vallenato,bolero, an a little bit of rock , and wear american´s clothes style.(yeah,of course)
Nowadays, Cartagena is one of the most important cities in the i said before...our strategic ubication help us.
Our culture is advancing and we´ve a lot of talented people.
We wear casual clothes, i mean, nothing that we may be ashamed.
We are living in times of constant change...(before, people used to have cellphones too similar to a brick, Nowadays, we have cellphones too small....)
In the future, our descendants will enjoy all the changes that we are unable to see.
But, may be, with all the lately news, they will suffer for climate change .... which is not very good ... but in these times there will be sufficient technology to combat these problems.
And...Cartagena will be like a cosmopolitan and developed city.
Adriana Sanchez Tinoco

Anonymous said...

In the past Cartagena was the jewel in the crown of spain, the point of the departure and arrival of the galeón route between the Iberian península and the new world. The most important system of walls and fortifications in america was built around the city defend it against the constant attacks of corsairs, buccaneers and all kinds of pirates. Today this area, called el corralito de piedra ( the Little Stone corral) by poets, also offers interesting nightlife, as it has bars and discotheques in which the various rhythms of the caribbean and the world merge.
nowadays, cartagena is the most important tourism center on the caribbean coast of colombia, Cartagena is one of the most important centers for business, meetings, Summit conferences and congresses in the caribbean. in the future Cartagena have a complete installed infrastructure for this kind of event, a convention center equipped with all of the facilities of modern computer technology, and expert tour operators and convention organizers, complemented by an excellent supply of hotel romos of various styles and for all budgets.


EUNI... said...

hi teacher

i think than cartagena:
it used to be a city more sure.
in the past cartagena was a city very calm.
but.. cartagen today is a dangerous and congested city.

in twenty years, if the law not take precautions it will be more dangerous.

eunice jimenez atencia.

Anonymous said...

Hello teacher Hugo.

Long time ago Cartagena used to be a city very important in the aspects historical and cultural

Nowdays Cartagena also of this aspects is the center economic more important in Colombia because in my city conducted important negotiations in all respects, also international congresses, as well Cartagena has the most important container port of Colombia, and has many national and multinational companies are part of the local economy.

Soon, Cartagena will be one of the strongest economies of Colombia also; in the future there will be more foreign investment.



Unknown said...

well,in the past cartagena was one of the most important port, because in this city arrived all the trade of the country and beside arrived a lot of foreign people. in the present cartagena still having the same place but in the future our city will be a international city, it will be a important city and very recognize for all the world.

Anonymous said...


10 years ago, people that had family outside the city do not had opportunities to visit or communicate with them, today people can take buses or can travel by plane or car to go to visit them, they can use the Internet or cell phone to achieve communicate with them.
In 20 years will ease through cellular or maybe the TV to see and communicate with our family members who are away

Anonymous said...

well teacher,
Five hundred year ago, Cartagena was a colonial city, invaded by spaniards. the black people were prisioners and slave.
Today cartgena is a moder city, have a big buildings, a lot of transport and the communicatios is easy.
In the future will be a big comercial center, the transportation will be more fast and is posible that will flying cars.

andres camilo silvera h.
cod: 07 11 035

Unknown said...

in the past, cartagena was a colonial city, the people used to transporte in horse carraged for every places. the women's used to dressing big garments and the men's used to dressing a few clothes.
the communication was hard because the people communicated by text.
in these days in cartagena the live is more easy because the people have many comforts With regard to the communications and the transport Because of improved technology. today the communication is easy, the people use the cellular, e-mail, and others. in the transport, the persons use the cars, motorcicle,bus, plain and so many form to go to other places .
however in the future, will make a lot of pollution.
cartagena will be more bigger than now a turistic city and. cartagena going to consider a one of the modern cities more importants in the continent

Anonymous said...

andres giraldo giraldo
group A
In the past cartagena wasn't a big city, it was a colonial city. the Transorte were the horses and There weren't roads. cartan hasn't any type of comunication like the television or radio. the people used to the telegram.
Within several years, cartagena will be a modern city with buildings higher and faster transportation.
wil Be highways in the sky, and we can going to any place.

Anonymous said...

Caracas was a city with a minority of habitants were people from other countries including Arab, Colombian, Italian, who came to make money and small and micro enterprises for the benefit of the country and what generates other people need to go to work in searching for better opportunities.

Caracas is a city that very few people would like to go because there is overcrowding, and because the purpose for which the foreigners were supplied both wanted which caused its currency to lose value and that people were looking for jobs that generate there worsens each day more because seek their benefit and not that of the country, both Venezuelans and foreigners do not realize the big mistake they are committing.

Caracas will be a city that neither Venezuelans or foreigners want to be in it at the low level at which it has fallen and because its president every day he closes the door to other countries to people who want to get ahead, cause the idea is not to keep a country with cheap lies or ideologies but with firm bases, so that causes the person who strives to get what they want and not give them things to keep them deceived.


Anonymous said...


COD 0514021

Anonymous said...

In medellin many years ago, people had to walk for a long time to get where they lived communes, at work or elsewhere.

Nowadays things have changed, the people take the metrocable order to get where quierem because everything is faster and more secure.

In futoro might create other means of transport much more modern and fast for people to reach a matter of seconds.

Sandra Guzman Maza.

Anonymous said...

Five years ago, in Cartagena had fewer buildings, fewer cars, and traffic was lower, and used to be a city with less crime, in Cartagena there used to be fewer young people in the streets and used to be a very quiet city.

Nowadays, there is too much traffic, and even more because of the Transcaribe's proyect, alternate roads are a disaster in peak hours, the society is now lost, this days everyone goes by himself, the young people are embriagan with lust, and who are gay were disclosed, among other things.

I imagine that in the future, and traffic declines, though, be more vehicles on the roads, but the Transcaribe's draft there will be finished, and make easy everything about it, and I think twenty years from now my society will be in teh same way, but with more works opportunities.

Anonymous said...

hi teacher!!!

In the past Cartagena, was a colonial city. The people lived in a big houses and walked more everywhere or used a roach ride, the color of TV are black and white. Don’t existed computers and the mails was sending for the same people. know in the present the people use cars and live in apartment or houses but the bigs are a few and her cost are too much money. The tv is a color and his screen is plane.Are cellulra phone and laptops for send to mails. In the present Cartagena is a tourist city. At Night in Cartagena you may also enjoy a coach ride or take a long walk through the Old City and admire its splendid view lighted up by romantic colonial street lights. Or you can go to bars, cafes, casinos and discotheques, that offer different music genres. places where you will have the chance to meet artists and famous people that visit Cartagena de Indias. For its international nature, Cartagena de Indias has several restaurants specialized in Arabian, Chinese, Italian, French, and other kinds of foods.
In the future I would like the cars flying, the shopping mall are in the space. I think in the future will be exist robots.

gina carrasquilla e.
cod :T00014846

Anonymous said...

In cartagena, 20 years ago there was the terminal of transport. for travel, the people went to the Don pedro de heredia`s street. there the people used to take the bus, it was a chaos, and in these street always there were many cars and much scandal.
Nowadays in cartagena there is a terminal of transport. it is convenient because The people travel with more confort and more easy. Now in the don pedro de heredia`s street there isn`t traffic and the street is less noisy. in the future the government say that cartagena might have three terminal of transport. the people will travel for colombia; there will more space, chairs and all the day more people will travel.

Unknown said...

hiii! teacherrrr!
In the past cartagena was a colonial city, where long clothes were used, they were transported in horses, and cards of credit were not used either jiji.

In the present our cartagena continues being a city colonial style and very beautiful, there are used cars, slight clothes, for which it is hot, besides it I can say that now it is a city where many foreigners come to know her ... and the cards of credit exist ... jiji. the future our city will be a beautiful city and important city..will be a center of business...
Nathalia Chavez Ceden
07 14 023

Anonymous said...

In cartagena 30 years ago, people were transported to their work or other activities in carts that were pull horse, In cartagena 30 years ago, to communicate with others in different places them it was necessary to send a person who took days to deliver the message.

Today, in Cartagena for people to be channelled to their work sites or other people with buses, taxis, cars personal, or until mototaxis,Today so that cartageneros can communicate only need to call by cellular or fixed untelefono or simplemete send a message across the Web.
In the future will be a city of Cartagena megacontrucciones, will be the most visited tourist destination worldwide, and have the most advanced technology in cominicaciones, transportation, means recreational and travel

gloria gil


Twenty years ago, in cartagena there were a few violence, even a theft was surprising. Today the cases of murder and theft are increasingly frequent and the city is between those that have more violence. In the next ten years the situation will be worse and very complicate; maybe citizens are going to use weapon.

Anonymous said...

Cartagena de indias, is the capital of Bolívar's department, The city it is located beside the Caribbean sea nd it is one of the most important tourist epicentres in Colombia. were founded by Pedro of Heredia on june first 1533 and it was during the colonial period Spaniard one of the most important ports in America.
With the step of the time Cartagena has developed its urban area conserving the historical center and becoming one of the ports of more importance in Colombia .

Anonymous said...

In the past Cartagena ther warn't pollution, today there is too much because there are too many car and the people are throwing a lot of garbages in the streets and the rivers and this there is ocacionado a deterioration of the way hambiente. What has brought with it certain consequences as the continuous changes of climate. in the future cartagena will be one of the most polluted cities the word

Andrea Diaz cod 0712011

Anonymous said...

ten years ago c/gena was very small, with a lot of houses, also it used to be very safe, today c/gena is a big city, with buildings, and have new supermarket, also these days too much people have a car or more.
in ten years c/gena will be a biggest city, with megamarkets. c/gena might have more people living here. and there will be new things to do and to watch.

sebastian fonseca

Anonymous said...

In the past people in Cartagena used to shop at small stores, ten years ago in Cartagena people don`t have car.
Today more people have car, and shop at the supermarkets.
In the future in Cartagena people have flying cars, and peole might buy groceries by computer.

Jeniffer Nova M 06-11-022

Unknown said...

In the past, Cartagena for its excellent location and its military building was a haven for treasures and riches of the Spaniards. To defend the successive attacks by pirates built a majestic fence walls and fortifications that today is a reflection of the story of a colonial village.Today. Being a city full of history, was declared by UNESCO a Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and it is visited by millions of tourists each year.In the future. Cartagena hope that the city will be more tourists from the world and will be president of the world tourism organisation

Anonymous said...

ivan ortiz - 0716084

cartagena is the capital of Bolívar departament., Colombia, a port on the Bay of Cartagena in the Caribbean Sea. It exports oil, coffee, and platinum. Manufactures include leather and tobacco products, cosmetics, and textiles. Tourism is a growing industry. Cartagena was founded in 1533 and became the treasure city of the Spanish Main, where precious stones and minerals from the New World awaited transshipment to Spain. Although the harbor was guarded by 29 stone forts and the city was encircled by a high wall of coral, Cartagena suffered sackings and invasions—in 1544, 1560, and in 1586 (by Sir Francis Drake). In 1741 it withstood a three-month British siege. The city was the first of those in Colombia and Venezuela to declare (1811) absolute independence from Spain. Known as the Republic of Cartagena, it was one of the bases used by Simón Bolívar to launch his campaign to liberate Venezuela. In 1815 the city was besieged and captured by the Spanish general Pablo Morillo, who inflicted savage reprisals on the population. Captured by rebel forces in 1821, Cartagena was incorporated into Colombia. After the revolution the city lost its importance and did not regain it until the 20th cent., with the improvement of communications and the laying of a pipeline to the oil fields of the Magdalena basin. Shady plazas and narrow cobblestone streets make Cartagena one of the most picturesque cities in Latin America. Points of interest include walls and fortifications from colonial times, a 16th-century cathedral, and the University. of Cartagena.

Anonymous said...

In the past cartagena was a very small city as the time happens it is enlarged due to the quantity of population who grows, when we speak about the infrastructure of cartagena in the past it was something very colonial slightly totally developed for the defense of this one itself, in he presents already it is a little an ultramodern mas everything is improving as the road links the infrastructure and about the future I cannot speak for that we neither have lived through it we it not are living..

07 16 032

Anonymous said...

i´m going to talk about the past of my city i know that my city was big because it was conforming for barranquilla, sincelejo, monteria , etc. we had train where peoplo can go to work and go to other places, doesn´t had comercial center, big bilding, few people. it was more security.
now we have a beatiful city because you can visit bigs comercial center, theaters, big stores, wonderfulls restaurants and big places where you can to go.
in the future i think that we are going to have a better avenu8es bigger constrctions, more five star hotels, more people visiting because i think in the future we are going to have a more beatuful city.
juan manuel alvarez 0711048

Anonymous said...

20 years ago cartagena was not the great tourist city that is now, before it was a very small city where not tape-worm many principal roads like them is in these moments.
Not tape-worm the potential of not attracting barco9s tourist not ofrecia his good tourists packages of visits either.

Cartagena in the present to turned in the city with more tourist attractions and also we possess a good infrastructure that before not exist.

Lady taffur
Cod_ 03-14-451

Anonymous said...

cartagena!s construcction

ten years ago, cartagena had a construction delay problem, very few proyects you could see,the economy of this sector falls into a deep crisis

actually there is a economic disrruption in the construction enviroment, this sector is passing trough his best time in years, in diferents locations around the city

from stratum 2 to stratum 6 had rised diferents proyects.

the future of construction in cartagena is estimated to be pointed into the anillo vial area, this zone already has reach stratum 7 in some locations, there are few present proyects with large investment.


Anonymous said...

In the past Monteria it was a city that its greater source of subsistence was directed by cattle ranch since it has one the lands but fertile of Colombia.
Today in day Monteria is host of universities, commercial centers, important warehouses, restaurants of chain and is recognized world-wide by the Fair of the Cattle ranch that is celebrated annually in the month of June.
In the future Monteria Monteria it will be a city very technified but not leaving of side all his legacy by which we will not let feel proud.

COD. 0511901

Anonymous said...

In the past cartagena was a calm city, they did not exist the quantity of cars that we have today, because of it the traffic was mas calmly.

In the present cartagena is a city very congested by the quantity of cars and of motorcycles that exists in the streets to diary.

In the future if this sector of the trasporte is still his current expation, cartagena COULD MAYBE loses this captivation of calm city and of rest that fact famous


alvaro gomez fundador said...

My city is Cartagena.
Past. Cartagena was a beautyfull city, its air was pure and it had a low population because of this it was a calm city.
Present. Cartagena is a high population city, the air is now not too pure, and right now it is a bussy city.
Future. Cartagena will be a big metropolis and will have an air purifier. All this will make Cartagena a bussines city.