Tuesday, February 12, 2008

English 5 Activity 2

The topic for the week:

What are some of the reasons people choose to adopt? How do you go about adopting a child? Would you want to adopt a boy or a girl? Why?Should a gay or lesbian couple be allowed to adopt a child?


Anonymous said...

Adoption is a jurisdictional link that's made between two people creating strong relationships between them. I have met several adoption cases and i think it's very interesting because i could se how a hole can be filled when a baby comes home and its been expected for many years. I totally agree with adoption because there's many couples that not have children and equally, many children abandoned because of their parents disnaturality, so by this, the children as couples, could have company and mutually growing as a family

Anonymous said...

Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent or parents other than the birth (or biological) mother or father.
Adoptions occur for many reasons.The obvious reason could be the death of both birth parents, and the orphans left behind are put up for adoption rather than being fostered. Another reason, could be where a child is found abandoned and the birth parent is never traced. Where birth parents are still available, the birth parents may place their child for adoption because they are unable to adequately care for the child, because they have failed to receive the resources they need to parent, or because they are pressured by their own parents or others. Adoptive parents may wish to adopt due to infertility, compassion for adoptees and to avoid passing on inheritable diseases.
For me, adoption is a good alternative because some many people have problems with having childs in their marriages, and sometimes, couples don't have enough money to raise a child (we see a lot this cases here in Colombia), and is the best way give the child to an adopting family instead the child been abandoned.
If i would have any problem about conceibing a child, i would adopt one. The sex doesn't matter a lot, but i prefer girls in my case.
I'm not agree with gay or lesbian couples adopt childs, because those childs will be rejact by the society and their raising will be very problematic.

Unknown said...

hi hugo
how are you?
l think the adoption is a good idea for people that can´t have babies because is an oportunitity to be parents.
i think adoption is not only for parents also single mother o father have this oportunity.
people choose adotion becase have organic problems an it´s impossible have a child and also they don´t have money for an artificial reproduction technology.
if I had the oprtunity to adopt a chil I will adop a girl because Ilove it.
I against that a gay or lesbian couple be allowed to adopt a child becase they don´t have the moral to give the child a good education and the child could be a little confuse growin up with a gay or a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Hi hugo! How are you?
Well, I think that adoption is an election for the persons who can not have childrens,also for my opinion there are two reasons for the people take these decision as: problems with the ovaries or
health problems. Adoption is a long process and expensive. I would adopt a child and that case it would be a girl because I think that is a good partner for me and I identify more with her, also because I could buy her many things that I like. I`m not agree that a gay or a lesbian couple adopt a child because it's not a good example.


Anonymous said...

hi hugo, how are you?
I think that the adoption is a good alternative for the woman that can’t have childrens but the problems of the adoption is that is a process very complicate, hard and difficult that’s make them really expensive and all the family’s don’t have the resources for that.
I think the main reason womans want to adopt is because they don’t want that their body’s change or damage. I would adopt a child and that case it would be a girl because is cutter than a boy also is more like a partner for me, because a think that most of the time the girls are more united to their parents special to her mother.
In Colombia that a gay or lesbian couple adopt a child is not allowed because in our country still not legal the union or marriage between homosexual.
I’m not agree that a gay or a lesbian couple adopt a child because a think that is not a good example for the kid also it won’t grow up in a good enviorement.

StefiPaola said...

Hi everybody!!
As everybody know, this week we start to speak about the adoption.

In my opinion the adoption is the
better way that the parents that
can't have kids and the kids that
haven't parents can have a family.

I really don't know a friend that
have been adopted, but a friend of my mother that is a old women,
adopt a girl. She and her husband
love this girl as if she was your daugther.

The adoption too could evite that many kids finish in the streets or
consuming drugs.

I'm agree whit the adoption
because it is a option for many
kids and future parents that wanna
to share your love and wanna care

Lapecosarebelde said...

hi hugo ...well i´ll comment about adoption...
for me the adoption is a good idea because There are children whos haven´t family, and family Without children.
if i couldn´t have a baby i`ll decide adopt a child,To give all my love.

All children must have a family because the family is the most important because the family teach us values.

if I had the oprtunity to adopt a child I will adopt a girl because a girl is More affectionate and could buy many things.

Anonymous said...

Well i think, if people want to adopt is their choice. And nobody should give an opinion about this, but i believe it's a good think because every person has the right to have a family and grow up in a safe enviroment.

Plus by doing this the couple that adopt a kid contribute to make a better person. If more people would take this option maybe this could reduce the problem of over population in the world, so i think adoption is a very good opportunity to have the experience of being a parent wether you can conceive a baby or not.

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with the gay or lesbian couples be allowed to adopt a child because is a problem for the child, for example; when the child has in the school and he know that your classmates and friends have your normal parents is a difficult to accept that her parents are gay or lesbian couple.

If i adopt a child, i adopt the first time a boy, because is easier grew up and the second time a girl for have a couple that is my dream but biological, for that the big brother careful your sister.

The most famous organization in colombia that have childrens in adoption is a ICBF (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar) or Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, this institute is managed by the estate and provides a good care of children

Anonymous said...

Adoption is a way of forming a family, involving the placement of a child with adoptive parents, followed by a legal process, which establishes a child as if he or she was born to those adoptive parents.
i agree completely,Because if a couple cannot have babies, this one is the best way of doing it and simultaneously to offer to him(her) love and helps the needy children. I would adopt a boy because they are more joined with the mothers. I`m not agree that a gay or a lesbian couple adopt a child because the child will have many problems.



well... The adoption is an act totally legal, ideal for couples who are unable to have children besides being an opportunity for children to have a family.
People adopting children for many reasons, the vast majority do so because they are infetiles and women can not be pregnant. Others simply do so by giving the opportunity for millions of children to fulfil their dreams of having a family.
Here in colombia many children are adopted by couples Colombian and foreign, they say that in this country it is very easy process of adoption.
Although I am open-minded, I think it still homosexuals should not adopt children because not every society supports this kind of marriage, and children who come from these families homosexuals will feel rejected by the rest of society and I think that is not suitable for children.