Friday, February 29, 2008

English 3 Activity 5 Travel Suggestions

Imagine someone is going to visit your Town, City, or Country.
give some suggestions for sightseeing activities.
What things should he bring?
What special things does he need to go there? or What does he have to bring to this City?
What places should the tourist visit and why?



If someone came to know cartagena my suggestions would be: you should bring comfortable clothes such as shorts, T-shirts, sandals besides sunglasses and sunblock. you ought to go for a walk through the centre walled and visit the catedral. you should go to the beach and tanning, but you´d better drink a lots of fluids, beacuse you can dehydration. and the otrehand you need a lot of money ´cause cartagena is very expensive city. you must have a passport and visa with you in the city or you can be arrested.

Anonymous said...

ok, well, i can say some suggestions for all peoples that like come to visit my city.

well, cartagena is a very expensive city, for that reason the people better to bring enough money.

cartagena is a tropical city,
it!s have a beatiful beachs, for that reason the people should to bring some short, sunglases, cap,sandal, well you know all about that you can need for a beach

cartagena have a sector historical,
wall, old costruccion, etc, for that reason should bring to video camera and digital cam.

cartagena have a night life really really great but if you want to enter in some disco, you must have a ID,you know 18 year old.

if you have Id, you will dont have any problem, but you will need to make a reservation, well if you want to a good table,

ok, that is all for today, that have a good day teache, bye

my name is diego mejia, my code is 0517008, remenber teacher that u sayme that this activity to cover the firt and second activity,
you shouldn!t forget about

diego mejia

Anonymous said...

I think that people who want to come to Cartagena should better bring enough money to spent in this city `cause it`s very expensive and there are a lot of things that people could do in Cartagena, and if they don`t have enough maney they couldn`t. Another thing that is necessary is the suituable clothes that people should bring `cause this city is very hot. People must bring their own documents and if they don`t speak spanish, they must bring a dictonary too, because if people do not do it, they couldn`t understand nobody, and nobody could understand them. I`m Jhorland Ayala Garcia T00017776.

Anonymous said...

teacher hugo...

My suggestions for the people that like come to visit my city are:

-You have to bring a lot of money, because my city is very expensive.
also you have to bring light closet and a sunblock , because my city is very hot.

If you don't speak spanish, you must bring a diccionary.

-You should try some local specialties because the food in my city is delicious.

-You should visit the castle of san felipe and the historical center,because is very romantic.

-You need to make a reservation in a hotel of bocagrande because this place it has beautiful beaches and there are too many restaurants for diferent tastes.


Anonymous said...

Cartagena is one of the most beautiful city in Colombia, because the romanticism in the historical center, the monuments, the walled city and the natural reserve are the reasons for that the tourist come to Cartagena.

These are my suggestions for the tourist that like enjoy and get well in my city:
* You should bring your passport or an identification because is the law!
*You shouldn't forget the money.
* You need to get the necessary vaccinations for avoid a dangerous illness.
*You must learn any importants words and also to bring a dictionary.
*you´d better to wear light clothes, for example: t-shirts, shorts, sandals, sunblock, sunglasses etc.
* You must try a typical food
* you shold visit the Rosario's Island, the San Felipe castle, the boots monuments etc.

Cartagena De Indias continues be like a small trunk of surprises for the national and international tourist; in each corner there are historical, intellectual, artistic, musical, sport treasures, among other things.

Karen Sofia Gonzalez Alarcon
Code: 07-16-025
Group: F

Anonymous said...

my suggestions for the people that want to visit cartagena are:
you better bring enough money,cartagena is very expensive.
you should go to the beach.
you need visit the historical center and the castle san felipe.
you need to make reservation.
you should bring shorts, sandals and sunglasses.


Unknown said...

*Suggestions for all the foreigners that want to come to Cartagena.
-Cartagena is a beautiful place, so, you should bring your camera to take a lot of pictures.
-Usaually, the weather is to hot, for that reason, you should bring light clothes.
-You must bring your ID, I mean, it´s a obligation.
-You must have a basic knowledge about spanish because it´s our native language.
-If you don´t have money, please...don´t come. Everything is a expenditure and if you don´t have money, how are you going to pay the hotel, the entertainment, the food,gifs etc, etc?...for that, you must bring money with you...
-You should visit las islas del rosario, la isla del pirata, portonaito,etc...

Anonymous said...

I think that cartagena is a very attractive city in spite of the different social problems in which he(she) is. These problems are some of the principal reasons of the infantile mistreatment and many violence towards the citizens but regardless this cartagena is one of the coastal cities more visited in every latinoamerica, something very good as for our economy as appraisement of our city and our patrimonies..

07 16 032 - F

Anonymous said...


When one wishes to go to a city in a country, especially recommend them to be the Eje Cafetero since it is a very beautiful city.
Axis coffee has a dramatic climate, the food is delicious and very place that many have known.
To go all must take shelter, creams for mosco, fototgrafica camera, video camera.
Shaft coffee should not bring mercochas candy because they arrive last and richest smooth.
Of this city must bring many memories of the cafe and its different wines cafe is the specialty richest.
Places you go can be the national park of the cafe, mariposal, panaca. Because it shows every characteristic of the lands of coffee and indeed many diversities of animals, butterflies and the cafe since its production.
jennifer Monsalve 0514031

Anonymous said...

The suggestions I could recommend to people who want to visit or to know Cartagena are:

1.)You ought to carry document identity.
2.)You should know where to stay before arriving and to know if the place is safe.
3.)For the rides you should carry a bottle with water or juice for hydrated.
4.)You should carry hats for the sun.
5.)You should carry Sunglasses and Solar blockader.
6.)You better bring enough money for their expenses.
7.)You need to bring Comfortable clothes in the suitcase, as shorts, t – shirts, sweaters, sandals, hats.
8.)You have to buy a map of the city to a guide.
9.)You shouldn’t bring coats.
10.)You must speak Spanish or to have some person that I guided it.
11.)You ought to eat typical food.

I also suggest visiting the Castillo de San Felipe, the beaches as Playa Blanca, Pirate Island, Rosario Island, etc. Another suggestion is travel by “chivas” and at nights to parade by carriages along the downtown.


Anonymous said...

If you wanna visit some place maybe a city, town or country, you shouln`t forget your documents it`s the main.

obviously you must carry money and suitable clothes for the place which you going.

for example if you wanna coming to Cartagena you must be present that this city is very expensive and hot, so you`d better bring a lot of money a good sunblock, bring an dicctionary and your sunglasses.

if you want enjoy the city outright, you have to visit Saint felipe castle, The walls, and all kind of monuments and turistc places of the city.

Well, bye that`s plenty i`m...
CODE T00018916

Alejandro Salgado Baldovino said...

If some person want to come to Cartagena, probably I suggest that :
First: - you should bring enought money for your entertainment.
- you must bring your documents, the visa, etc.
- if you dont speak spanish, you should stay in a hotel and you must request traductors.
- you should bring light dresses
and you should to be preparated for a good experience, because is a beautifull city,( a part), and take photos.

Anonymous said...

mi suggestions for someone that come to Cartagena are:
1)you'd better bring enough money because it's a city very expensive.
2)you should bring your documents.
3)you should bring light dresses, shorts,t-shirts.
4) you should live good experiences.


Anonymous said...

If a person wish visit anywhere, you should not leave your identification card.
for example, you wish to visit Cartagena, mi main suggestion are:
You must bring a lot of money to buy what you need,you`d better bring a good sunscreen. Also is important, you should bring comfortable clothing for hot weather (t-shirt,shorts.
If this brings you will a walk quiet and fun.
CODE: T00017779

Anonymous said...

well, if someone came to cartagena and ask for my suggestions, i think would be, that if they want to get fun and enjoy the travel they should bring a great quantity of money and that they should bring comfortable clothes for the beach trips and wheather, also they should be alert about the thief that be around the city


Cartagena is a beutiful city Therefore the visitors better to follow the following suggestions:
You better to visit the historical center.
You better to do a reservation in a hotel before the rooms of the hotels become exhausted.
You need a guide of the sites turisiticos.
You better each one visits of ancient iglesias of cartagena.
You better to visit the archipelago of the islands of the rosary.
You need a guide.
You need a comfortable and comforting clothes

Anonymous said...

if someone told me about it, my suggestions would be that they should bring specifies Beach clothes, t shirts, and it should bring Enough sunblock, i would suggest that they should visit every monument and every romantic´s places of cartagena´s nights...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

to come to cartagena the first thing you need to bring is some shorts,sunglasses, sandals and sunblock because the fist place i advice you to visit is the beach because cartagena have beatifull beaches.
the most important turistic places are the wall city where you can find the clock tower and the san felipe castle because they are very important in the history of cartagena

yeimi paramo camacho

Anonymous said...

Cartagena is a beautiful city.suggestions would be:
*you need make reservation.
*should bring to digital cam.
*You have to bring a lot of money, because this city is expensive.
*you should bring sandals.
Jeniffer Nova 06-11-022

Anonymous said...

if you come to cartagena you should bring appropiate clothing, like a shorts, sandals and dress bath. however you'd better make a reservation.
you should visit the san felipe castle, the beaches, and "la popa", because is the places most representative of cartagena.

andres camilo silvera 0711035
group A

Anonymous said...

andres giraldo giraldo 07-11-034
hello teacher
well....if you come to cartagena,
you need to bring a map because is important to locate in any part of the city and yo have to bring your identification too.
the most important places, you should visit the beaches and the monuments in down town.

Anonymous said...

Suggestions are more than enough but the most important are:

>CArtaegna is very expensive city so anyone who wants to come have to bring enouhg money to reaaly enjoy th activities.

>Not olny do they have to do a schedule but also they should follow it, because a lot of historical places have an strict horary.

> one of the most important suggestion is to be aware of almost everyone because this city despite of being beautiful is also dangearous and a tourist could not be gullable in any way.

>And finally you have to open your mind and let thae nature and beauty of the city get into you.

Jose Romero Cod.0501455

Unknown said...

Cartagena is one of the cities more beautiful of the world, is romantic, full of history, has nice people, good customs, excellent tourist sites and a spectacular food.
To visit Cartagena my recommendations they are:
To take cool clothes, shorts, sandals, sweater dressed in bath, suntan lotion, glasses, documents, money.
I recommend to them also to visit all the tourist sites, the beaches, discotheques, restaurants of show restraint typical, try the best coffee of the world, his sweets and mount in goatee.
katherine campo fuentes

Anonymous said...

cartagena is one take care tourist very importantly, The tourists sigientes have in all suggestions:
-You should bring a dictionary
-Youi'd better bring clothes adapted for the climate
-You should To visit all the tourist sites
-you shuold go to the beach
-You'd better go to tke qkyito!!!

Andrea Diaz Angulo cod. 0712011

Anonymous said...

A: Carmen (tourist)
B: Heidi

A:hello Heidi, tomorrow I arrive at Cartagena!!!
B: that good!,Cartagena is considered the most important tourist destination of Colombia.
you should have present this suggestions:
1. you'd better bring your documents and passport,
2. You must make a reservation in one of the following hotels: Caribe, Las Americas,Hilton or Decameròn,
3. you need to bring enough money in order to enjoy the beautiful places,
4. you should visit:
the Beaches because are the main attractions for visitors in Cartagena de Indias and the people can practice different aquatic sports; The Laguito because It is a tourist region, contains the major quantity of bars and restaurants of the city; The Islands for example:Barú Island and Rosario Islands;You should go The Festival of Cinema of Cartagena on march and visit other turistics places.
A: thanks for the suggestions heidi!!!
B: ok,I hope to you Carmen.


Anonymous said...

dear dad
I`m very happy you`re going to visit cartagana.It`s a very nice place to visit so you should bring mom.You`d better make hotel reservation.As you know in this time it`s very difficult to get a room.You should`t forget to bring your camera.Cartagena is a very hoy city so you have to pack T-shirts,sunblok and sandals.
don`t forget to say hi to my mom.

EUNI... said...

If someone wants to come to know cartagena I would recommend the following:
You need to bring a sunscreen.
You need to make a reservation in a hotel.
You should bring your passport. You have to bring a lot of money.
You better to visit the castle san felipe and rosary island.
You need a guide turistic.
You need a comfortable clothes as sandals and shorts.
You must bring your ID.
ok. good bye.

Eunice jimenez atencia

Anonymous said...

suggestions if someone want to come to our city:
- al the foreigners must bring their identification.
-they should bring money bicause they must pay the hotel.
-they should bring a camera for take photos of cartagena
-they should try our typical food (for example: sancocho,alegrías,etc...)
...teacher, my name is diana acevedo cod.0711027

Anonymous said...

ok, my name is Liliana canabal, and my suggestion for all people who visit my city:
1. Bringing much fresh clothes, T-shirts and shorts.
2. Not be omitted glasses for the sun,sunblock and some sandals.
3. you Should visit the beautiful beaches of Cartagena including islands.
4. Walking through the streets of the historic centre of the city, the most beautiful of colombia.
5. You should visit the most important monuments of this city and take pictures there.

The most important thing is to bring a lot of money and besides that all of your documents to avoid having problems.

Cartagena is the most beautiful city in colombia.

COD: 0514021

Anonymous said...

hello, my name is Tatiana Zarate and for those who visit my city, this is my suggestions:
Cartagena is a beautiful city, have special places to visit.
You should bring: many blouses, shorts, sunglasses, a camera and a sunblock.

As a tourist town is very expensive, so you must bring much money to spend and visit all places.

You should go to the beach to enjoy and relax.
You have to visit the castle of St. Kare at night and walk the streets of Cartagena.

You should visit the clubs to dance all night and enjoy gtus friends, and a good plan will be walking on the beach at night.

Visit to Cartagena is the best plan to relax.


Anonymous said...

When some people visit my city, I think that this people want to know places as Churchs, museums, parks, beach, jewerlys, souvenirs store
That people have to bring comfortables clothes like shorts, sandals, nice T-shirts, and all the clothes that they think that is confortable.
They can have some programs when they visit my city because we have very interesting places to visit , we have a good discos, nice city wall,interesting plazas, and all that you want to do.
Ok, come and visit my city is a very nice and confortable place.
juan manuel alvarez t.0711048

Anonymous said...

cartagena is a beautiful city, it have a lot of interesting place, but it is so expensive, i recomend bring a lot of mony. in cartagena the watter is very hot, you better may bring comfortable clothes, like short pants, t-shirt and sandals.
you can visit the fortification walls, san felipe casttle, or the gold museum. i recoment you buy a camera for to take photografic and have beautifull remembers of this city.
edwin martinez 06-16-047

Anonymous said...

suggestion for the people who wants visit cartagena or come to cartagena for work :
-you should bring a gun for criminal minds.
-you shouldnt'forgot your pasportfor your identification.
-you must know the spanish because here is the native lenguage
-you should bring shorts and beach clothes
-you need bring a camera for take a lots of pictures in the stone walls.

cod. 07-12-005

alvaro gomez fundador said...

the people that come to cartagena should bring everything they need to be at the tropic. i suggest to bring:
1. Shorts and t-shirts.
2. Hat or cap.
3. Sunglasses.
4. Money.
they should visit the old city, the walls, the casttle and the islnads.