Friday, February 29, 2008

English 3 Activity 5 Travel Suggestions

Imagine someone is going to visit your Town, City, or Country.
give some suggestions for sightseeing activities.
What things should he bring?
What special things does he need to go there? or What does he have to bring to this City?
What places should the tourist visit and why?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Englsih 3 Activity 4 What are your experiences?

Tell us about your experiences in life:
Have you ever failed a test?,fallen in Love?,been in a big problem?,cried during a movie?, cooked for your family?,lived in other city?

Song lyrics | Have You Ever Been In Love lyrics

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

English 3 Activity 3 Wish List

What would you wish were different about these things? and why?
My bedroom,My University,my appearance, my family, my possessions, my abilities or skills, my family,my city, etc. Examples:
I wish I were taller because I want to be a professional basketball player/I wish my city were more organised so there were not more traffic jams/I wish I had more time to study English because...

Watch the video and learn about the use of wish:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

English 5 Activity 2

The topic for the week:

What are some of the reasons people choose to adopt? How do you go about adopting a child? Would you want to adopt a boy or a girl? Why?Should a gay or lesbian couple be allowed to adopt a child?

Monday, February 11, 2008


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

English 3 Activity 2 Traffic Jams

Watch those drivers! Avoid those traffic jams!

As the number of cars on the highways increases, driving manners seem to change. Two things that seems to annoy most of us are impolite drivers and getting stuck in traffic jams.
What is your opinion about traffic in your city? What are your suggestions to solve some of these traffic problems?, should there be more restrictions? Any more creative ways to go around the city?

Indirect questions:

New Interchange Student's book Unit 2 Practice:

Friday, February 1, 2008

English 5 Activity 1 Holidays

Tell us about a favorite holiday in your country or abroad. When is the holiday celebrated?Is it celebrated as a family or as a group? Do you celebrate this holiday?, Are there specific foods connected with this holiday? Is gift giving a part of this holiday?
Carnival in Brazil:
Independence day in Colombia:
October fest in Germany:

Valentine´s day quiz:
John's Esl Holidays