Friday, January 18, 2008

English 6 Activity 1 Healthy Habits

Several studies show that some habits are healthier, such as daily exercise, but moderate drinking of alcohol is good to your health too?
Check out the video:

1. Do you think you are living a healthy lifestyle? Why? 2. How often do you exercise each week? 3. Do you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables? Why? 4. Describe what you saw in the picture. 5. What do think about smoking? 6. Are you surprised that moderate drinking of alcohol is good to your healthy?



1)lately i´m not having a healthy lifestyle considering that when we came out from festivities it´s difficult to normalize any routine from the past year, but maybe at February it´s a good date to restart an exercise program and diet.
2)at 2007 i went to the gym at least 3 times at week, maximum 5 times.
3)personally i don't like any kind of vegetables but in case of fruits i prefer them in their liquid form with all meals.
4)some kind of water aerobics.
5)i used to smoke, and I´m trying to quit since December 25 and actually i still in the process.
6) really i don´t, sometimes i ´ve heard that one glass of whiskey or one cup of wine often helps people on their circulation sistems

Anonymous said...

1. I think that I don’t have a healthy lifestyle, because I don’t have a balanced diet, I always eat what I want, and I don’t go to the gym. I have a life sedentary.
2. I don’t go to the gym, and I never do exercises. But I think do that in this year.
3. Frequently I don’t eat fruits and vegetables, but I like all of this, and sometimes not generally I eat fruits in juices and alone and I also eat vegetables in salads.
4. I saw a lot of people doing aerobics in the water
5. I think that this is a terrible habit, because it damages our lungs and affected our health sooner or later.
6. No, because I’ve heard that one of this a day is good for our heart and health

Unknown said...

1.I think i`m not having a healthy lifestyle because i don`t do a lot exercise, sometimes i don`t eat because i don`t have hungry and i don`t drink so much water.
2. I rarely do exercise because I don`t have time for the university.
3. yes, I eat a lot fruits and vegetables because it help us to have a good skin, also to give mineral and vitamins to our body and be healthy.
4. I saw a lot of people doing some exercise on the water.
5.Smoking is one of the big problems we have in the world, and according to the world health organization kills about four million people a year, so I don`t understand how our goverment can approve that kind of vice legalizing it. I think they are more interested for their receipts than the health of the people.
6. I`m not surprised but is good to know, because in that case we can enjoy our parties with no worries.

Anonymous said...

1. So far no, I must improve my food habits to have better health, as well as be more disciplined with sports.

2. I do not exercise regularly, I like to walk
3. I like fruits and vegetables, but often do not practice. In particular, I think it's more a problem of culture.
4. I see elderly people, dedicated to health through exercises.
5. I think it is something unnecessary, where many people may do so by appearance alone.
6. It is good to be moderate with alcohol, as this affects vital organs such as the heart and kidneys.

Unknown said...

hi teacher!
1)I think that I´m not living a healthy lifestyle because I´m always eating junk food and never go to the gym to burn that lot of
2)The true is that I never do exercise. The maximum that i do is
walk to the university everyday and I don´t think that could be
considered as an exercise.
3)I prefer to eat fruits than vegetables because these are healthy and contain a lot of vitamins and also because it are more tasty than vegetables.
4)I saw people doing exercise to improve their health.
5) think that is one of the most destructive vices for our health and we need to do something against it consumption.
6)No, because I heard that one cup of whiskey or red wine at day is
good for our body health.

jennifer said...

1) I think that sometime I want to live a healthy lifestyle but I can’t do it because junk food, chocolate, cake are delicious
2) In this moment I can`t go to the gym because I have a complicated schedule, but on vacation a go to the gym everyday
3) yes… I like to eat fruits and vegetables, because it`s the better way to keep the body healthy.
4) I saw a people doing exercise
5) I think that it`s a bad habits because smoking damages the lungs And accordingly in the future is going to have respiratory problems
6) I think that it’s depending the way that you drink a beer. If you drink a lot you maybe damage the liver

Anonymous said...

1. Actually I don’t have a healthy lifestyle because I don’t do exercise frequently, I don’t practice any sport and I don’t have a balanced diet I eat a lot of junk food.

2. really I don’t do exercise regularly because I don’t have time and I’m very lazy I prefer to stay in home watching t.v than go to the gym.

3. well, I don’t like the vegetables but I like a lot the fruits and usually I take the breakfast with some fruits.

4. I saw a group of persons doing exercise on the water.

5. I think smoking is a vice terrible because is very dangerous for the health and this problem is bigger every day especially in the young people.

6. I surprised that moderate drinking of alcohol is good to the health because I never heard that before but is important don’t abuse of the alcohol because everything in excess is bad.

Anonymous said...

1. Lately I'm having a healthy lifestyle because I'm having a balanced diet and I'm going to the gym at less twice a week. I try to get myself in shape because when we are studying a career we are really busy and we don't have time for exercising.
2. I'm going to the gym twice a week.
3. I eat a lot of fruits but I don't eat vegetables because they don't taste good, but sometimes I eat a good salad.
4. I see a lot of people makeing exercise in a pool. It's some kind of aerobics but in water.
5. It's very dangerous for our life, because it causes lung cancer and other diseases.
6. No, because my boyfriend is studying Medicine and he told me that moderated drinking of wine is good for the heart and our metabolism.

Anonymous said...

1) I think I have a healthy lifestyle, I eat a balanced meal everyday and try to excercise as much as I can every week.
2) I try to go atleast 3 times a week to the gym. I enjoy it!!!
3) Yes, I try to eat fruits and vegetables in every meal.
4) What I saw in the picture was a group of people doing areobics in the water.
5) I think smoking is a terrible habit. It detiriorates your health little by little.
6) I´m not that surprised because i´ve heard that a glass of wine or whisky is good for your health.

Unknown said...

1)I think that I'm not living a healthy live style because I don't do excercise and drink every weekends and smoke every days.
2) Never
3)Yes because fruits and vegetables are good for health and is delicious
4)The doctor says that the mostr bad habits is smoke and drink alcohol excessively and that never is late to change that
5)I think that is a bad habit because in a future has a lot of consequences to the health
6)No, I listened that before

Anonymous said...

1. I think i Do have a healthy lifestyle,i eat fruits and vegetables, i used to go to the gym but i stoped a few weeks ago.i'm going to try to restart my routine.
2. I used to go to the gym at least 3 or 4 days a week, but with the hollydays like christmas and new years eve I took a break-.
3.I like every kind of fruits and vegetables, i dont cause too much problem when is about food.I eat them because I like them and they are also healthy.
4.A group of people taking aerobics leassons inside a pool.
5. I think is the worst adiction that anyone can have, Is dangerous not only for the one that is smoking, but for everyone that is arround that person.
6.A little surprised, I thought a little bit didn't do anything, good or bad...
Maria Angelica Roman