Friday, August 10, 2007

English 6 Activity 1

How are you doing English 6 students. This is the first activity and I'm very glad to have you here. Your task is to watch the video on the link below:

then, answer the following questions:
choose true or false; T or F:
1.The heatwave in Europe has continued for more than a week.
2.A hundred people have died in Europe.
3.The United Kingdom had it's hottest day ever.
4.The hottest part of the UK was in London and the southeast.
5.The majority of the British population have heatstroke.
6.Business in the UK is doing well because of the hot weather.
7.Tomorrow will be cooler than today in the UK.
8.The temperature in the Midlands and north of the country will be 37C.
9.Tomorrow it will rain over most of the the UK.
10.Tomorrow will bring thunderstorms and rain to Ireland.

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